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SS ruined my Rothy's

justmakingthebest's picture

I love those darn shoes. They are so comfortable, they go with everything, I can throw them in the washer when they get stinky (cold water gentle). They were spendy and not something that I would usually buy myself. My boss's wife got them for me for my birthday because I complimented hers.

SS, who knows to NOT touch the clothes in the washer if they are mine- PUT MY SHOES IN THE DRYER. Now they are 2 sizes shrunk and I had to throw them away. He also put 3 of my tops that are hang dry only. I am so pissed at him still and I found out Saturday morning. I put in the load before I went to bed Friday and was going to switch them over when I woke up. For some reason late Friday night he decided he wanted to do a load of laundry. Grrrr.... I am still debating taking the money from him and buying a new pair. I mean they are $175 pair of flats! 

I am sure DH would tell me to do it, I just need to email him first since he is out to sea right now. I am bitter as hell right now over these shoes though. 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wow. I'd be ticked! 

Does SS typically throw your things in the dryer?? IMO, he owes you for the shoes AND the tops.

justmakingthebest's picture

No, he KNOWS not the put my things in the dryer. His excuse was that he needed work clothes. I told him to not wait until 9 pm the night before he has work in the morning to do his laundry when he doesn't work Mon-Fri. 

ESMOD's picture

He could have hung your things out.. ie not just left them in a pile.. instead of putting them in the dryer to be ruined.  My DH does this.. he knows that some of my clothes CANNOT be dried.. so when he goes in to do the wash stuff... i warn him if things are in there.. and if I am not around.. I come home to find all my stuff hung up on

thinkthrice's picture


Left out mama's picture

Yup. He owes you some $$$ 

since he has job... he should be good for it

good lesson for him to learn... you spent your hard earned money on them. He decided that he did not need to follow house rules so now he can cough up his hard earned money.  Maybe once he understands the price of what is selfishness costs he won't be so selfish. 

Thumper's picture


Those are very VERY very expsenive.


Simpleton21's picture

I wanted a pair of those until I looked at the price! Your SS should definitely reimburse you.  I would be fuming as well.  

susanm's picture

I thought those things were indestructible.  I guess not!  I would be seriously pissed as well.  He owes you a new pair.  Any adult male who doesn't not absorb the lesson not to mess with women's clothing just by being told gets to learn the hard way.

justmakingthebest's picture

I have had them for over a year and they still look brand new! I LOVE them. They are honestly worth the money as long as you don't put them in the dryer! 

Chmmy's picture

I dont leave my stuff ever unless its hoodies & pjs. I often do my laundry at my mom's or at work as the laundry here is a big source of drama.

justmakingthebest's picture

Oh hell no. SS can walk his butt to the laundry mat. I pay for the house, the water, the soap, the machines are even MINE. I will not be inconvenienced by a teenager in my home and be made to feel like I can't use my things.