justmakingthebest's picture

DH has his facetime make up call with SS14 last night. SS didn't answer.

A few minutes later he texts DH and says "no service". DH asked where he was and when would he be home for the call since DH hasn't spoken to him in 3 weeks due not SS not answering his court ordered calls. SS replies with:

"It's my grandpa's birthday where the hell do you think I'm at"

DH: "Why are you talking to me like that? I am your father stop disrespecting me when you talk to me"

SS: "I don't have time for this bye"

DH: "I expect you to answer the call on our regularly scheduled time. We will discuss your behavior then"

SS: "We don't need to talk about anything. What about the times u missed calls because you were out to sea" (** DH is active duty Navy and has had to miss 3 out of the 15 calls that were supposed to be made to date, due to being in the middle of the ocean. SS has refused to answer 7)

DH: "Kid, I am in the military. It is something that I signed up to do. It is my job and I have orders. They are called orders not suggestions. I do my best to be available for every one of our calls, just as you should be per the court orders- not suggestions"


Of course SS didn't respond to that. I told DH that I didn't even think it was SS typing. I think is is his older 1/2 sister (19 yrs old). I could see him handing her the phone and saying deal with my dad. I hate BM so much. DH told BM when we was going to do a make up call since SS didn't answer last week. Why the f*** couldn't she just repsond with can you call at X;00 instead of 8 because we will be at my dad's for his birthday? WHY IS THAT SO HARD?????????? Why can't she just choke on her own vile and die??????? 


twoviewpoints's picture

Wow, this kid (or whoever is texting) has an attitude a mile long. 

I'm not sure though how far his Dad can push the kid's refusal to take Dad's calls by yakking about court orders. The court order is between Mom and Dad. BM is to be certain SS is taking the calls... but can a judge really make a 15yr old poisoned kid speak on the phone? 

justmakingthebest's picture

Can't make SS but can make BM responsible. The judge told BM directly that she was to make sure that SS was on those calls and that she has to be a parent. He told her he understands that it isn't fun but she needs to maintain parental control. (The GAL said he doubts BM has any control over SS anymore). 

So, while we can't make SS talk, BM will be in contempt if he isn't on the phone. It is just one more contempt charge to go along with the laundry list we will be perusing at the next hearing. 

ALSO- we realize he is lost. However, we have somewhere between 5-8K being help up on money that BM will owe us if she is found guilty of contempt. The last hearing, BM was told to behave and that he was reserving making a judgment until BM had time to comply with the new order- which she has not done at all. 

thinkthrice's picture

and "responsible" are oxymorons.  Sadly SS's alienation is complete.  Call yourselves to peace knowing you have gone the extra mile but are fighting a hopeless situation against the machine that is family court.

PS she will never pay the money owed and the courts will be more than happy to look the other way.

It will be kabuki theatre at best, similar to getting a lien/judgement against a deadbeat tenant.

justmakingthebest's picture

We do have a plan for that. In lieu of payment, we want to claim SS on taxes every year instead of every other. It makes a difference of about 2K in our taxes. So we have a plan and our lawyer doesn't think the judge will mind ordering it since it is just signing a form and it is over, no more coming back to it.