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BM couldn't resist

strugglingSM's picture

To give a brief recap of my step-story....for the last several years, BM has been working hard to alienate one SS (she has seemingly given up on the other one because he does not give her the histrionic reactions she craves). She has told him that DH "caused the divorce" and that DH "hates her." This has caused SS to cause drama in our house for the last two years, including screaming, crying fits that are complete inappropriate for a teen. Last October, BM had "her lawyer" send a letter demanding that DH stop talking about her to the children and agree to reduce his time with alienated SS. In response, DH got a lawyer, to which BM threatened court action....this went back and forth for months, until June when they had a mediation where DH agreed to pay BM more than he owed (because really this was all about money...and control) and to reduce the amount of time SS spent with him by one evening EOWE. DH also agreed that he would go to a counseling session with alienated SS. BM also pushed for a counseling session with her "if the children's counselor recommended it." 

DH and alienated SS had their counseling session this weekend. DH got emotional and told SS that he knew he was growing up and needed to be more independent, so he could choose whether he came to our house or not, but he still would like them to have a relationship with him, so he wanted to talk about how they might do that. SS sobbed and said among other things, "I've talked to my mom a lot about our relationship and she told me it was bad." To which DH said, "our relationship isn't bad." The counselor commended both of them for showing emotion and they agreed to schedule another session together. 

Less than 24 hours after visitation ended, DH gets a long email from BM telling him that alienated SS "volunteered" some information that he and DH talked about at their session. BM said, "SS told me that you said you feared you were going to lose him and that it was his choice whether or not he wanted to come to your house. Is that true?" Then she went on to say, "I 100% never tried to keep him from you or vice versa. I only requested the mediation to try to improve your relationship with him." She then told DH she was going to talk to the counselor about all this. I asked DH if when he was talking to SS that any of the conversation (other than SS's comments) was about BM and DH said no. He said that he wanted the conversation to be about him and his child, he didn't want to bring BM into it. 

Then today, BM sends another email saying "I'm totally okay with SS resuming normal visitatation with you. If he wants to visit the full weekend that's fine." She also added, "SS said you don't have any more joint sessions with the counselor. Is that true?" 

Let the games begin...BM claims that she is just trying to help her child, but she just can't resist trying to control all of his conversations with DH, even the ones he has with his counselor. My bet is that when she discovers that DH and SS have another session scheduled, she will either try to cancel it as being "unnecessary" or that she will try to stop SS's counseling entirely claiming that he doesn't need it anymore or that she doesn't want to pay anymore or making it look like DH was opposed to it. 

Some further context, at their previous mediation (also demanded by BM for unknown reasons) in 2016, DH suggested that the children go to counseling and BM refused to even consider it. This time, she kept saying that alienated SS needed to go to a counselor so he could tell everyone "how he truly feels", by which she meant that he truly felt that he did not want to be around DH. She tried to push to have him go to a counselor before mediation...trying to use a counselor her lawyer "recommended" that specializes in writing reports for custody hearings. She even threatened to take DH to court if he did not agree to a counselor before the mediation. Since the mediation, she has sent DH a list of things that she thinks the children should talk about with the counselor, items that she thinks SSs will "resent" DH for. Somehow, BM seemed to think that whatever counselor she picked could be used as a tool by her, to get what she wanted from DH. 

I told my friend who is a children's counselor about this whole episode and after gasping in horror, she said, "well, that didn't last long." I think she was hopeful, as I was, that if SSs could speak to a counselor without BM controlling everything, they might have a fighting chance of turning out ok. 


tog redux's picture

Ugh, this gives me flashbacks.  BM controlled every interaction that SS had with every therapist.  I can't even believe your BM allowed DH and SS to meet alone with the therapist!  BM would never do that.  And any therapist that caught on to the fact that DH wasn't a vicious monster, and SS wasn't terrified of him, was promptly fired.

SS19 was alienated for over 3 years.  He told DH that during that time, BM still controlled the narrative with all of his therapists, but it was no longer about DH, it was about SS and how poorly behaved he was, and how he needed to just do whatever BM said because she's an adult.  He said he now has a new therapist and BM "hasn't spoken to her yet."  Uh-huh. Sure she hasn't. 

Your DH should just ignore BM and stick with whatever the plan is.  I'm sorry, this stuff sucks. And unwitting therapists falling into the trap is very, very common. 

strugglingSM's picture

I think BM has put herself into a tricky position. She has tried hard to send the message to everyone that she is only trying to help her child and that he needs a counselor in order to support him in his relationship with DH, so if she backs off of that she's admitting that either a) the counselor was not necessary; b) that she was being disingenous in actually wanting to help SS improve his relationship with DH. She works very hard to be the sainted mother who is only looking out for her children and has successfully convinced DH's family to buy what she is selling. If she back tracks too much, I think she fears they will catch on to her...but in reality, that won't stop her from backtracking, because she cares more about maintaining control over her child and figures she is smart enough to convince DH's family that the counselor was a bad idea, if they actually take notice (which they won't because they are a bunch of dolts). Still all of this does give her pause and she tries to say "but, but, but..." a lot and gaslight DH and his family. It works for DH's family and used to work for DH until I came along and pointed out all the gaslighting. 

advice.only2's picture

You hit the nail on the head, BM hoped that the counselor would side with her and help SS harbor more anger and resentment towards DH. That's not happening so now she has to switch up her tactics.

thinkthrice's picture

BS.  You know she practically put him on the rack to weedle it out of him.  The drilling probably began the moment SS had his foot out of the car.

Siemprematahari's picture

When BM sends H emails asking about his counseling session with SS, does your H respond? I wonder if when SS has these sessions if she immediately interrogates him with questions........sad how this kid is in the middle of a war that he has no idea is happening....

strugglingSM's picture

He doesn't typically respond because it would only cause a fight. 

For this one, he's trying to decide if he should respond and tell her that he has another session with SS or not...if he tells her, she will likely try to cancel it, so he'd also need to reach out to the counselor and tell her that he doesn't want to cancel. 

It's basically a lot more complicated than it needs to be, but that's how BM rolls, because she's always so desperate to make it look as if everything is DH's fault. 


Ispofacto's picture

Our BM tries to pull the "I already know what happened" fishing scheme on people, to get them to confess what they did.  Kinda like what cops do to get a confession.

SS can't out maneauver BM's years of manipulating experience.

She will know what is said in every session.  BM requested and ordered these sessions, so she's going to have a hard time cancelling them.




strugglingSM's picture

DH was surprised by how upset SS was at the session. I told him that he's probably feeling a little stuck in all of this, because he feels like he needs to make his mom happy and his mom wants him to be angry with DH, but he also doesn't want to dislike his father. 

This weekend, BM had some issue with drop off. DH had already told her he wouldn't be home, but SS would be able to get into our home and he would be home one hour to 90 minutes after the scheduled drop off. Then SS had something he had to do until an hour after drop off. BM couldn't pick him up and bring him to our home and DH wouldn't yet be home. BM accused DH of trying to get out of visitation and then tried to accuse him of demanding she switch her plans (neither of which happened, since DH hadn't even responded). I pointed out to DH how manipulative BM got over something as simple as a change to drop off and then said, that kind of manipulation is coming at your kid all the time and he doesn't know how to manage it. It's not a wonder he got really upset during the counseling session. 

shamds's picture

“BM also pushed for a counseling session with her "if the children's counselor recommended it." “

Is really her pressuring everyone that she be at counselling session to control the discussion. Typical pas alienator, narcissm behaviour. They think for their kids

the whole purpose of counselling is that its a safe place to vent and discuss things, not have a hostile environment where bio mum can criticise and ark up

strugglingSM's picture

Agreed. After DH had his session with the counselor, he spoke briefly with her. She told him that she wasn't interested in getting involved in BM's conflict with him, she was there to help the children. 

DH expressed concern that BM was going to try to insert herself and the counselor replied that she was working to try to make SS more independent from his parents. Just hope she has time to do that before BM pulls the plug. I have noticed a change in SS since he's gone to counseling. He seems much calmer and also happier when he's around DH. He also hasn't asked DH "why do you hate my mom?!!!" in a while. 

strugglingSM's picture

Also, she really wanted to pressure DH into counseling with her, because at the end of the day, this is all about her. She wants to sit in a room and cry and say "why do you hate me?!!" to DH, while he sits there silently and awkwardly. I believe she is under the assumption that the counselor will tell DH what a terrible person he is. She also likely wants to use the time to talk about me and how much her relationship with DH "deteriorated" after he met me. By deteriorated, she means, he stopped taking her daily calls where she would berate him and complain about her life. I can see how from her perspective, his choosing not to serve as an outlet for her emotional aggressions feels like the relationship has deteriorated, but really, he just stopped putting up with her abuse. The very few times I've been around her, she has either reprimanded, yelled at, or berated DH in front of his children and that was before the relationship "deteriorated" in her eyes, so clearly her sense of what a normal relationship is, is quite skewed. 

Simpleton21's picture

Ugh, this sounds exactly like the BM tactics my DH has to contend with.  The first counselor she took SD too met with BM and DH and after all was said and done the counselor told BM that it looked like the problems were at her house and not ours.  Of course those sessions with that counselor ended quickly.  Now SD is in counseling again and of course BM is looking to blame DH for everything again.  I'm sure she had already set up a nice narrative about how horrible DH is prior to him actually going to apts. First BM told DH that the counselor would only meet with one parent not both (I believe this was her tactic to get him to say okay you take her then...which backfired).  Funny how when DH went the counselor told him she wanted him to come to every other apt and she would adjust the schedule for him (also something BM said couldn't be done) and that she would meet with both of them if they wanted.   BM is a liar and a narc. I call what BM does BM induced daddy issues.  She always tries to tell DH he's a bad dad and blah blah blah.  She creates a narrative and she has completely warped SD in the process.  I am sure that once this counselor starts seeing more of DH and both sides of the story BM will either quit counseling again or find a new one.  This week DH did show the counselor the texts he received from BM after we had SD.  We took SD for a hike and ice cream and BM turned it into a dramatic bad event as always.  BMs like this need counseling...not their children...they need it to resolve their mental issues/jealousy/etc.