How to NOT engage to begin with??
We have only been living together for one month and already problems. I can see now I MUST not get to involved but to a degree I already am. And as a mom myself it's SO hard not to. How do I not let myself engage to begin with as to be happy.
Short bio-We were both late in life parents.
I am 59 engaged to and living with my guy 57. We all just moved in one month ago. I have one son almost 18. Well mannored, 4.7 GPA in school, an Eagle Scout has a PT job teaching swimming. Does his own laundry, cooks AND cleans, and has earned a full scholarship to college. He has two kids 16 and 11. They do NONE of the above, very coddled in my opinion. The worst part for me so far are the table mannors. Especially with his daughter, they are terrible!
Examples: Made blue berry pancakes the other morning for her dads birthday. She used her knife only to cut them into trianlges like a pizza, doused them with syrup and picked them up and ate them with her fingers, NO fork involved. Pancakes we half haning over her plate, syrup getting everywhere. She then proceeded to use her finger to start poking the blueberries inside of the pancakes and then complained that she had stains on her fingers. Her dad during this time has not said a single word. I finally told her that if she used this new invention called a fork like a young lady should she wouldn't have the problem. She then made her excuses as to why she had to do so. I let it go and started to clean up.
The following day she wanted a grilled cheese. I made her a good old fashioned grilled cheese. She proceeded again to play with it. Pulling it all apart scraping off all of the cheese and again poked around in it with her finger. Dad again said not a word. She never ate the cheese and only maybe one half of the bread.
During our recent vacation she did the same. We went to a very high end resturant and sat an played with her food ivestigating it like a two year old. I was so embarressed. She is only 11 but she is very tall 5'5 and looks much older so the "looks" coming from near by tables were eye rolling. I didn't say a single word just enjoyed the view of ocean out the window instead.
Last week their dad asked to make them meatloaf, potatoes, corn etc... I have NO problem cooking I LOVE to cook. But I did tell him that if I cook for 5 people and two don't eat I will lose it. He assured me it wouldn't be an issue. Well my prediction came true. We all sat down and what do you know. HIS two kids are stairing at their plates. His daughter and son took biscuit and got up from the table and got jam to put on them. THAT is what they ate for dinner. He insisted his daughter take some meatloaf. Well she did, about the size of a quarter. She then proceeded to yet find away to pick that apart. His son took two spoons of mashed potatoes and picked that apart too as he doesn's like skins in his potatoes. SOooo nearing the end of dinner my guy says out loud.... " hey kids did you know Olivia made cookies"? They were very happy about that, asking "where are they"? (they love my cookies). I immediatley said outloud that "cookies are reserved for people who eat a decent meal". No more words were said and NO more food was eaten. A jelly biscuit each, one bight of meatloaf and 4 bites of potatoes. Sooo........dinner is now done and my guy asks his daughtet to bring him the cookies she gets up and does so and what does she do???? She opens them up and takes two out for herself right in front of us. He say's to her "what do you think your doing"? She say's "having some cookies, I ate". Here I thought he was going to use this a learning opportunity to #1 eat some dinner as told. #2 be respectful and thankful that someone took the time to cook for her. #3 let her know that she should not undermine what I say. But NOoooo. He didn't say a word to her, let her have them and took some for himself. I was LIVID. I ripped the container out of his hand and threw it on the counter and said it will no be a VERY long time before I make cookies for any of you. Then to top it off. I over hear his daughter on the phone complaing to her mom about it. I can hear her mom say's "oh honey I am so sorry this happened to you, do you want me to come get you"!!! What the hell, over cookies? LOL - What she DID do though was pull up in the driveway the following day with store bought cookies and had both the kids come out to get them. Their dad has not seen ANY problem with this.
I let my guy pretty much "have it" over this out of frustration because he is so oblivious and all he did was make excuses for ALL of it. And now he hasn't said a word to me in two days.
Again-------- How do I NOT get caught up in this with his kids. I have to assume the sooner I can get this under control for me the better.
Thanks so much for listening to my blubbering!! LOL
I dont think this is working
You and he see things differently.
Yes, he should coach his kids better, but how tall his kid is not something to pick on a kid for.
How is stating how tall a kid
How is stating how tall a kid is picking on them for it??
You are at 2 very
You are at 2 very different stages of life and different roles. You are on the tale end of mothering. He is in the middle of parenting and he seems to have previously placed the role of active parent on the wife. What you are asking him to do is likely something that has never crossed his mind as being his job and, if he starts, he is going to be afraid that the kids will no longer want to come over any more. And they will definitely rebel against having rules in both houses. The horror! Whose fault will that be? His for not previously being an active parent and only now stepping up? Nooooooooo. It will be yours for forcing him to change the status quo.
Your choice is to disengage from the start or back out before you get completely unpacked and date while living separately. But you are in for a world of hurt and a destroyed relationship if you go down the path you have started on.
Did you see any of this
Did you see any of this behavior prior to moving in with BF? If you want your situation to improve outside of moving out I would do absolutely nothing for them whether its cooking, laundry, driving, whatever. I'd say hi keep it cordial and plan my own things to do that make me happy and allow your BF to do ALL the parenting. Don't play the mommy role and trust me you'll save yourself a lot of stress.
I think you need to stop
I think you need to stop being the food police with his kids. I got in one battle of the wills with my younger SD about food once.. to this day, we still joke about beets.
Should his young kids have better manners? Yes. Do you need to be a smart A about telling her she should use a fork? NOPE.. you don't have to do that. At that age, I knew how to eat properly.. but I was pretty tactile with my food.. I don't think that's completely abnormal. Should his kids be better eaters.. eat a more balanced meal? Sure, but if their father really isn't investing himself in this.. it isn't likely to change and you just come across as mean.
I mean, who cares if the kids like my food? If they just want a biscuit withjelly? whatever.. I don't care if they eat a few cookies either. It just isn't my place or worry to insist they do differently.
If you don't want to cook, don't cook. but, you can't take it personally when they don't like/eat your food. Save it for leftovers.. if their dad wants them to eat "better" he will. You need to keep your opinions on his kid's eating habits to yourself.
If their manners are so bad that they make you ill to eat with them? institute an adult meal time and a kid meal time.
Don't see this as your
Don't see this as your problem, and don't try to fix it.
If the SD starts to eat with her fingers, pick up your plate and go eat in the kitchen/living room/deck whatever. Let your SO know that if he wants you at the table, he will need to either teach his kid manners, or you two have a separate adult dinner and he can feed them alone.
No longer cook for them, only for yourself, SO and your son. He can make them special meals.
If he fails to parent them, don't correct them or pick up the slack. The power struggle over cookies made you look deranged, no wonder she complained to BM that boxes of cookies were being slammed around. Next time, let DH handle it and vow that it will be the last time you make cookies.
If you can tolerate his crappy parenting and still want to be with him, more power to you.
Yep.. the cookie thing
Yep.. the cookie thing reminded me of "beetgate".. I insisted that my YSD try and eat some pickled beets. she refused. She liked saurkraut.. so I thought she should have no problem trying the beets. It turned into a power struggle.. she started getting sassy about it.. I dug my heels in.. probably made an ahole out of myself.. she was a brat. It is legend in our household. In the end, the big deal I made? stupid.. she probably would have come around to eating them sometime.. it didn't have to be THAT time.
Ours is broccoli gate
And it was with my own biological son. I made broccoli with cheese sauce. Hey kid you like broccoli, you like cheese, eat this. He said no and it smelled awful. I pushed. And pushed. Kid ate it. Kid then threw up. Kid then cried.
I felt terrible. Who was he really bothering? He was only bothering my ego at that point.
For the record, said kid does not eat sauced vegetables to this day and he is almost 24. He still says the combination smells awful.
It's what I did - I do enforce the use of utensils (at age 13.5 still sometimes), but that took a lot of time to be able to do (I have just a few things I am able to insist on and this is one of took YEARS).
First thing, before utensils, is do not fight over food. You will lose. If you know they won't eat it don't cook it. Or your SO can cook it, no buts about it. And you do not cook every day. And if they don't like whatever it is, no matter who cooked it keep your mouth closed and let your SO deal with it. Period.
And if they have horrible manners even in restaurants, you no longer go to restaurants with them. Tell you SO in private why, keep it to the facts, no anger, just "I'm not going to go out with your and the skids to restaurants until they can behave appropriately for the setting." Sure, a burger joint, but anything nicer? My lord, we STILL cannot go to nice places with SDs (again, 13.5 and almost 16 now) because of their behavior.
Set your boundaries and stick to them.
I hope that those skids at least have to help clear the table...i.e. clean up the mess?
Welcome to the site!
Personally, I would definitely not yet get married, feeling as you do about your fiance's children. You are around my age (I am 61) and at the grandmother stage of things - you are being forced to deal with a relatively young child constantly, and at our age it's tiring and tedious especially with a poorly behaved child. If your fiance is going to sulk like a baby for 2 days because you told him some home truths, I would definitely put the wedding on hold. Who wants to get married to a man who can't parent, or cook? It will just be a complete pain in the ass for you at the stage of your life when you would expect to start to take it all a bit easier.
The jelly on the biscuit
The jelly on the biscuit would bother me. But, the no use of a fork would drive me insane. Dad needs to open his eyes and realize that no one, outside of BM and him, thinks this is acceptable. That would have been my last restaurant meal with them. That would be the last time I made cookies for the house.
I'd be rethinking the moving in together. If dad didn't have a problem with BM showing up with cookies, it won't be long before she's dropping off meals for them.
If the problem is just the
If the problem is just the food/eating, I'd let boyfriend know that until he taught his kids some table manners, I wouldn't be eating at the table with them and I most certainly would not be going out to eat with them. I wouldn't worry about whether they ate what I cooked or not - not my monkeys. If there are other issues and you really can't stand being around his kids, there's no reason to make yourself miserable. Move out. If this guy is that special, date until the kids are out of the house and then move forward with the relationship. If not, cut your losses.
Not your monkeys
First of all, you should not be attempting to discipline these brats or teach them good eating habits or manners. This is not your job, and it is not your role. Your role is to be the best adult friend female in the universe. Happy times only, if it kills you.
Which, from the sound of it, it might. Re-think this relationship. The guy clearly expects you to step into a mothering role, which the children and not incidentally their bio mom will never permit you to do. And in the end guess who's going to be left holding the short end of that stick.
Second, third, fourth the advice to move out and just date this guy until his brats are gone. Meanwhile he can hire a nanny/housekeeper, or find some other sucker to do his work for free.
This is why I never dine with
This is why I never dine with feral pig SD15.
DH only gets the priviledge of dining with me when the pig is not home.
You really think this moving in with BF
And his kids is going to work? I would start think about cutting your loses and move out. He not parenting his kids. He does not care to parent his kids, you want to disengage in a Month. This is the best time in a relationship m it’s goes down hill from here.
I can feel my blood pressure
I can feel my blood pressure rising for you just reading this!! I just turned the "big 5-0" myself, and my SKs thankfully are 23 and 25, my youngest DS is 12 and oldest DS is 18. I cannot imagine having to deal with that at MY stage in life, much less almost a decade from now. I don't mean to be negative, but I can't see this working out in a way that you're happy. Food was the biggest thing we ever had issues about when my SSs were growing up (from being picky eaters to ordering the most expensive thing on the menu and eating a bite or two.) One of the most memorable was when my SSs would insist on pizza on visitation weekends. I had custom chair pads made for round seats for our breakfast table, and my oldest SS (then about age 9-10) would insist on wiping his greasy hands ON MY CHAIR PADS! Sometimes, he'd wipe them on his pants instead, but still! I wanted to stop ordering pizza. Finally, to keep the peace, I just gave in and said to heck with it. I trashed the chair pads eventually and focused on the fact that, one day, my SSs would be grown and visitations would be over. One of the sad things for me is that I was late 20's when I met my DH and now I'm 50. SSs are gone but so is my youth. I can't imagine having to deal with all that BS at this age. I find myself SO MUCH less tolerant the older I get. You deserve peace and happiness at this stage in your life, not stress, hostility and resentment. Honestly, if I were you, I'd move OUT and get some clarity on whether you want to deal with these spoiled, entitled kids in what should be the most carefree days of your life. If you do want to stay with your SO, I'd date him and have my own place where I could go when the SKs came over.
My husband’s daughter (12,
My husband’s daughter (12, almost 13) engages in the same picky eating, picking at her food behavior, too, and it drives me absolutely batty. Sometimes it’s so bad that it’s hard for someone to simply not be bothered by it. So, I feel you.
I resolved to never go out to eat with her again, and I’ve stuck to it. In that area of step life, it has greatly improved - for ME.
If you’re adamant about staying with your partner you’ve got to adopt the whole Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys mantra.
The way your partner parents is going to be a thorn in your side for years, maybe decades. Even if you disengage, you will have years of this same crappola in your life.
Ask yourself if after a month living together you are experiencing this, what’s it going to feel like after a year, 5 years?
Consider moving out, dating, and see what evolves. Bet you the skids won’t launch at 18 or even at 30 without major parental change. Are ready to spend the best years ahead on this drama?
Great answers
you either decide that you will not be present at the zoo during feeding time or you stay in the trenches and fight. Problem is you are outnumbered and outflanked by guilty Disney Dad. Either decide "not my circus, not my monkey," I love my SO enough to disengage every other weekend or you leave the situation. I will avoid eating at a resturant with Skid at all costs since the time he liked the lid of a KFC gravy container in the resturant.
Replies to all.......
What a wonderful board thank you to ALL of your input. I can't reply properly right now as he's home for the weekend and this is something that I prefer to do in MY alone time! Kids are gone for the weekend so I am assuming there will be some discussion at some point. He has semi recovered - ordered pizza and wine last night and we went to sleep cordially.
Be back on Monday with an update - Y'all crack me up!!
OP just dont.
OP just dont.
I never did and i only said hi and thats it. I get on with stuff round the house and luckily my OH takes the skid out for a bike ride or something to get out the house. I have never bonded nor ever will do and i tell you what. I really dont care about the kid or BM and its brilliant. Im like the other poster i love my SO enough to not let a mistake ruin our lives, she was a one night stand and it wouldnt be fare to judge him for someones devious ideas. My So also knows due to my strong personality that if this kid plays up once he is automatically banned from my house.
One of the perks for being the breadwinner eh ;)
He isnt allowed to touch my fridge or cupboards and he asks his dad for a drink never just take. He knows boundaries at my house and no one misses out. Bm and inlaws are not alowed to come round to fuss over the kid in my partners time either. He is a softer man and i am the stronger one. So i kinda help him have a back bone.
Go To The Adult Stepchildren Forum & See What Awaits You
Unfortunately, dad is as much of a problem (if not moreso) than the kids. He clearly isn't running anything, nor do his kids appear to view him as an authority figure. He probably suffers from "divorce guilt" which is a horrible thing for any relationship. If this is the case, he will most likely continue to patronize, cajole and use any other tactic to let the kids know they reign supreme. My fear for you is that the handwriting is clearly on the wall here, but you must remove your rose colored glasses and read it. Very few of these dads change, and SM's almost always are the villain. Offspring rebel in many different ways, through refusing to eat your food, or acknowledge you, never say "thank you", or even consider you "family."
My SD is grown (if only in years, not mentally), but yelled at me in front of her father, "You're not family! You don't belong HERE! How dare you! You're using my father!" Really? For what? No sex-EVER, in all the years we've been together, he can't. To be fair, I knew this upfront, and overlooked it as there is more to a marriage than "that." And, I felt he was an equitable life partner. (That was before he allowed her into our marriage,and let her influence his decisions where I , and my future are concerned, unbeknownst to me for years.) He gave everything away to her and her siblings, (including the home he paid off that we live in), and he has not made provisions for my future financially, so exactly what is it that I am using her father for?? I am clearly here because I love this man like I have never loved another human being in my lifetime.
I really hope you can overcome it, but I am also a realist. The cards just seem very stacked against you at this point.
Someone mentioned at your age, and at the end of your parenting role, you shouldn't be going through this kind of stress and drama. You raised a good kid, and earned all the jewels in your heavenly crown.
It's easy to say, "I would..." but the fishbowl looks very different from the inside, than it does from the onlooker. There is no easy solution here.
I simply will not take SD15
I simply will not take SD15 to any "nice" resaurant or activity. I then tell SO why and he tells his daughter. At home I do not cook for SD at all. I make dinner and do not set her a plate (SD normally won't even bother to show up for dinner). I do not send any leftover home with SO for SD. I figure as long as she is treating me like this there is no reason for her to have any benefits of being a part of my life. SO does his laundry for free at my house. SD has to use the laundry mat. ANd this is owrking so far. SD is getting bitter that we will not do for her and SO explained why. So now she is the "victim" and we are picking on her. I let her go tell people what she wants because anyone that knows me knows it's a lie. I personally don't observe a single person believing what comes out of her mouth because of all her lies and manipulation and SD isn't even good at it.