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Almost over...

tankh21's picture

The skids go back to BM's on June 30th thank the lord! OSS eats everything in sight though and I mean stuff that I have bought with my own money. I told my DH last night that I am going to put sticky notes on my food so that he doesn't eat it even though he has been told time and again not to touch the food that is still in the grocery bags in the fridge. I keep the other food in my room. I just think it's ridiculous that this kid cannot listen to simple instructions and respect other people's things but then again that is not his fault it's the parents fault. Any way, the nightmare is almost over! OSS is still a complete douche bag and doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself. He is just like BM.


nengooseus's picture

Is the biggest douchebag.  He's not working and yet can't supervise this child so that he doesn't eat your food?  Skid may be just like BM, but your DH isn't doing anything about it.

ESMOD's picture

Scorched Earth.

What makes you think that labels on your food will do any better than "don't eat stuff still in grocery bags".. It already was clear and he ignores it.

My guess?  your DH tells him to eat it though.

But, I digress, Scorched Earth..

Do you know how to "pitch a fit"?  I mean pitch one without "violence".  I would be cussing out each and every resident in that house for the missing food.  That they must be F'ing idiots because you made it clear what was off limits.  etc.. etc.. etc.. THEN.. you tell them.. If YOU can't respect one small request.. I will fix this issue myself.  There will be NO food in the home.

Then grab garbage bags.. and dump ever iota of edible and drinkable stuff in them.. dump the flour.. the spices.. basically every bit of food.. into garbage bags and take it to the dump.  Buy ZERO food.. go out to eat.  Keep food for yourself at work.  Shoot.. come back from dumping the food with a nice bag of SS's favorite fast food.. and eat it in front of them. 

But there's nothing to eaaaaat.  Whatever DH.. take them out yourself.



ESMOD's picture

BTW.. I'm not usually for such an overthetop response... but in this case?  I actually think you would be better off without the whole lot of them.. so the risk that your DH wants to leave the marriage.. not a big  They are also just blatantly disrespecting you ... all of them with your husband as the ringleader of the mob.

Harry's picture

He letting his son run out of control.  You know this is only going to get worst as he gets older.  You have a major problem with your SO.  This locking up food doesn’t solve the problem. It’s only delays it.  There should be food for SS. PB&J, American cheese type of food to snack on.

ITB2012's picture

the kid/skids do seem to respect me (or at least have learned what to do to keep me at bay).

Seriously. I pitched a fit when I couldn't find some tools and everyone has used stuff and not put it back. I had to scavenge for the things, took everyone to the spot where it sat, and informed all of them that it was mine and NO ONE was to touch it. No one did, except for DH. Really. He thinks if it's mine, it's his. I now hide my little toolbox in my closet because of HIM, not any kid.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sticky notes will be a waste of ink, paper, and your time. Buy a damn lock and chain. I'm willing to bet Daddeeeee told his poor wittle hungwy starving child to eat anything he wanted.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hon.... I seriously doubt it. The only thing that seems to have changed is your abililty to tolerate more shizzit.

hereiam's picture

The skids go back to BM's on June 30th thank the lord!

And then what? They are not the only problem, here.

24 years as a SM's picture

Buy some boxes of chocolate flavored Elax and melt it into small candy bar shapes and put them in the refrigerator with a note, Do Not Eat"and let the fun begin.

I did this to Leech when I had some chocolates saved for making fudge for Christmas one year. I bought 6 boxes of chocolate flavored Elax squares and melted them in with a Hershey chocolate bar and made homemade kisses. The bitch ate all of them while I was at work, by the time I got home from work she couldn't walk more than 10 feet from the bathroom. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You owe me half a cup of coffee! Not only did I spew it, I laughed so hard that I spilled some.