
Ravenpoe88's picture

Im so excited!!! Celina (bf's 6 yr old) is behaving! But the best part... she told me she was ok with me and my 2 kids having moved in. Its been 3 months of hell... she was very angry and mean at first. But now shes being good and sweet . She even said i was the best Cassie ever! That really made my day. Shes been improving so much lately. Better attitude, being respectful,  being nice to my kids and i. Shes listening and being less whiny too. I dont know y she's changed but im glad. Perhaps her mom said something to her ... i dont know. Ive also been adjusting my behavior towards her to help make things better. Ive always been stern and strict but im learning to relax more and it seems to be working for everyone. This makes me feel better about everything. Smile

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

first you got names all over your post?

second.. you can move in with your bf because his child allows it? 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hon, if you require the approval of a 6yo, you are in biiiiiig trouble.

ESMOD's picture

Haha.. Ladies.. let's not be too hard on OP.  I think she is just trying to get across how the 6 year old is being less of a problem in her home.  I don't think she really needed her "permission". 

When the girl says she is "ok" with it.. maybe it means that the little girl is getting over some of her insecurity and jealousy?  Or.. the 6 year old is just trying a different

In any case OP.. enjoy the reprieve whether it's brief or long term.  And.. it should be your SO that is insisting his daughter is respectful of you.  Also.. you say you have been modifying your behavior.. if you mean disengaging that's fine.. but if you are kneeling at her "alter".. don't get in the habit of chasing a child's affection.. it puts you in a position of weakness and things will only go well when you are in worship mode.. and that's not healthy for kids.