Living with adult stepson
My stepson moved from out of state with his girlfriend and two children in November. Originally they were staying with my Husband's ex-wife until she got put out. His ex-wife is staying with a girlfriend who lives 2 hours away. My stepson didn't want to follow his mother. (I should also add his girlfriend and children are staying with her parents but my stepson was not welcome to stay since they are not married). My stepson is 25. He's also very spoiled and seems to have this entitled attitude. He was begging his dad to stay with us in December (after he mom lost her place). My husband and I have a very small apartment with a yorkie. Aside from the size of our place, I generally did not want anyone to stay with us. What we ended up doing is letting him stay in our old place (since there was a month left on the lease). I figured he could save his money and when the lease was up, he could move into his own place. When that lease ended, he again asked to stay with us and was arguing his father up/down that he should be allowed to stay. This was causing friction between my husband and myself because he wanted to help his son. I felt adamant that he should go ahead and stay with his mother even if the commute was longer. Finally I relented and told my husband his son could stay with us. That was about six weeks ago. What we recently found out is his son hasn't been saving any money to move. His son does work so I didn't understand why he wasn't saving anything. His son also doesn't do a lot around the apartment. He comes "home," plops on the sofa, smokes weed and watches tv. Part of the reason he said he wanted to stay with us was so he could see his children. He honestly doesn't see them much. He uses up all our body wash, tooth paste and toilet paper and never replaces it. I didn't ask for rent money because I wanted him to save but also feel like he should help with incidentals every now and then. Fast forward to a couple days ago, my husband talked to his son and told him he had two weeks to find a place. His son said ok and then asked what if he didn't have a place (not a good sign). Later his son asked my husband why did he put his wife before his son. My husband replied he had already raised him and he's a grown man. My stepson seems to think he's owed something. My stepson doesn't have a room. He sleeps on a futon mattress on the floor of our living room. I never get to enjoy our big screen tv anymore because when he's not working, his son is plopped front and center watching some sports show, with weed in hand. I don't say anything to him because he's not my "son" per se and I don't feel comfortable. I feel like he's ungrateful for the things we've done already and next Saturday won't come soon enough. I do feel a little anxious because I don't know if he's really going to move. My fear is he will make things difficult and all I want is our place back. I've heard stories of how hard it is getting someone to leave once they move in and I see the signs written all over this situation. I guess I'm here venting because I've never experienced this situation before. How much more does a person have to take before they can have their place back?? And why would someone want to stay somewhere where they aren't welcome any longer?
Getting him gone is not
Getting him gone is not difficult at all. When he leaves for work... call the locksmith to rekey the locks. Or better yet, when he sparks up a blunt in your living room... call the cops. Don't forget video of him getting high so that if he puts it out and flushes his stash before the cops arrive you can still have him frog marched off in handcuffs.
Check the laws in your locale
Your SS May have tenancy rights to be in your apartment, and you may need to formally evict him.
Please for your own sake, never, ever allow him in your apartment again. Daddee can move out with SS if he needs somewhere to stay. You stay put and enjoy the large screen TV!
This has put a serious strain
This has put a serious strain on our marriage. I think my husband feels guilty about things when his son was younger so he's trying to be there. My SS is taking full advantage of the situation, another reason I want him gone.
Why are you guys letting him
Why are you guys letting him use illegal drugs in your house, first off? I don't think weed is legal in Maryland, is it?
Find out how long you have to give a tenant to evict them, and give him that. Then evict him in court if necessary. He won't push it that far. Let your husband know if SS isn't out by the date given, then YOU will be out by the date given, and he can "put his son first".
Make him uncomfortable. Don
Make him uncomfortable. Don't do anything for him, shut the wifi down so he can't use it. Cut the cable TV. Don't give up the living room to him. Hide any products he is using. Put a lock on your bedroom door so you have to place to hide things. You say you have an apartment, is SS on the lease? Can you have a neighbor (hint hint) report you to the landlord for lease violaton?
I think you are worried that you have a bigger problem with DH than SS. I hope DH follows thru for you and kicks him out. Don't let DH blame you for this. You tried it his way and it didn't work, no shame in that. Now DH needs to do it your way and get him out.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks for the suggestions. Knowing my DH, he won't implement any of them. All along I've said things have been too comfortable for my SS -- he doesn't want any real responsibility and the longer he stays with us, he won't have any.
This morning
When I was getting ready for work today, my DH told me my SS was off today. I asked did he plan to look for a place to live and my DH said he didn't know. I feel like my DH is too easy on his son. The deadline is the 23rd. I'm trying to keep it together but I left home irritated this morning that I have this grown man running up our bills and not caring one bit about it.
Change your phrasing. No more
Change your phrasing. No more questions (will he be looking for a place to live?) only statements (Oh good, he'll be out looking for a place to live) or directions to the guilty party (You'll be out looking for a place to live). Questions give them wriggle room.
Great advice. I'll do that
Great advice. I'll do that from now on.
The mistake was letting him
The mistake was letting him in- these individuals are like vampires,once they are over the threhold only garlic and a wooden stake will get rid.
I was in this situation for a short time, helping even adult kids from to time is part of having a family but... the leaving date has to be in place as soon as they arrive- we gave XSS threemonths and in three months he was gone.
Your DH just saying two weeks on a whim is unfortunate because if he hasn't gone in that time that date can then be extended infinitum.
You are not in a position to give him long term lodging- he doesn't even have a room to go to and it doesn't matter if the weed is legal or not I wouldn't allow it, or smoking, and using your toiletries is a no go too, especially as he is working.
I agree there should be no questions, I would find it hard to interect with him at all. The leaving day is set- make a chart and stick it where everyone can see it and tick off the days to departure. No excuses. DH needs to have your back on this one- if this toe-rag is stiill there on the 23rd I would take the dog and book into a hotel and send DH and SS the bill...
I agree it was a huge mistake
I agree it was a huge mistake letting him stay. He had no intention of moving, regardless of not having a bedroom. He's a whiny little something and will no doubt beg his dad to stay when the deadline gets here. My husband is weak...if his son is allowed to stay longer, I'm leaving and my husband and his son can split the bills in that apartment.
Read your lease first
If you are renting an apartment, and your name is on the lease, you could still be responsible for the rent! This just sux all around. Another poster had a very good point, you may be in violation of your lease if he is not on it and he stays more than a certain number of days. If it's such a small place you could also be in violation of local ordinances specifying maximum number of people per unit. Could this be a way out? Let the landlord be the bad guy. Of course it would have been simpler if DH had said this from the getgo - "sorry, no more than two people allowed on the lease. "
I could try that -- I'm sure
I could try that -- I'm sure it has to be a violation of the lease having him stay with us. I know my SS doesn't care and sometimes I wonder about my DH. Both our names are on the lease and I know DH wouldn't want me to leave since right now I'm carrying most of the load financially. He really wants to help his son and it seems to not matter that it's to the detriment of our marriage.