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OT I can't breeeeeeeathe!

Cooooookies's picture

LITERALLY cannot breathe.

I've had the worst virus I think I've ever had.  Both nostrils feel like they are blocked off with glue.  Whole body aches and pretty sure someone's dog is sitting on my chest.

Decongestants don't even give me an hour's relief.

Can't sleep cuz my lips, mouth and throat are raw from breathing with my mouth open for the last four days.


Someone please bring yummy food.  Maybe some good coffee too?  Oh, and a new respiratory system off the black market?  Would love you forever.  Love most of you already soooo.  Send help.  Thanks for letting me rant. 

And, no, I can't breathe any quieter. *cue darth vader creepy stalker breathing*

Man in love


thinkthrice's picture

The flu is making the rounds this neck of the woods.  I have an electronic netti pot I use with distilled water, saline powder and a drop of baby shampoo.  Very helpful to clear out the sinuses.  I also have what it's called an elephant ear wash for clogged ears.

hope you feel better!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Ugh, I went through this a few weeks ago. I couldn't sleep because laying down below an 80 degree angle resulted in coughing the worst cough to ever cough. Every morning for about 2 weeks was me getting yp and standing in THE hottest shower I could until I expectorated more gunk than I knew the human body could produce.

And like you, no meds worked. Not a damn thing. I lived in the shower when I could.

I hope you get to feeling better!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sorry, Cooooookies!! I'd make you some Finnish coffee that would blast your sinuses clear. Hope you're feeling better soon! 

classyNJ's picture

Some fresh shredded horseradish to get those sinuses clear.  

Vicks vapor rub under my nostrils always helped me and green tea with plenty of honey.

Feel better!


ESMOD's picture

Ahhh I hate being sick and colds seem to hold on so long.. moving from sinus to chest etc..!  Sucrets lozenges or others with numbing may give you a little relief. Obvi hot showers and drinking steaming warm beverages is good too.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Talking to my respiratory system guy now for you Cooooookies! We'll have you fixed up in a jiffy!!!

Get better!!! Last time I was that sick I was at a conference in CA... Got sick day two and spent the rest of the time literally in pain any time I took a breathe. A humidifier might help some if you have some (though admitedly nowhere near as much as you want it to!)