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OT - Thirsty Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes, it's 12 degress outside (feels colder!). Yes, there is a foot and a half of snow on the ground. I don't care. I want a milkshake.

That's right. An ice creamy, ice cold, brainfreezing milkshake. I eat soup in Summer, so why not have a milkshake (or ice cream) in Winter?

Fruity, boozy, or simple, there's something about a milkshake that makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Maybe it's the memory of my grandpa taking me for my first shake. Or Mom always having vanilla ice cream for us to make root beer floats or milkshakes at home.

And the combinations we made! Mint and blueberries; strawberry coconut, chocolate raspberry, thimbleberry almond...

Even when I'm trying to eat healthier, there is still room for a shake. Freeze some berries and blend them with some almond milk. Nom nom nom....

The Shake Shack is open, STalkers! Name your poison!


justmakingthebest's picture

My mom was so funny after I had my kids. I guess when she deleivered me she was told to drink milkshakes to up her calcium and help breast milk. I don't know... It was the early 80's! LOL

So when I had both of my kids my mom made came to visit (I was 3,000 miles from home) and made me like 3-4 milkshakes daily- it was for her grandbabies after all! She wouldn't let me talk reason in to her or even argue. It was - Here, drink this! LOL it still makes me smile! LOL

Thanks for reminding me of happy memories of milkshakes!!!

Letti.R's picture

Oh Aniki I love this post!
But not as much as I lllooooovvvvveeeee chocolate ice-cream milkshakes.
OMG I drink the normal ones you buy in  the shop almost every day.

For a special treat - at least once a week and I don't care about the weather outside -  I want a double thick chocolate ice-cream shake.
Large one please!
I love the think malty, chocolatey, cold lusciousness!
Closest to heaven I will ever get so I do indulge often.
I have been drinking chocolate shakes since I was around 5 and I intend to continue for as long as cows and fridges exist along side cocoa beans.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Letti, I will sit outside in freezing temps and eat ice cream or drink a shake! One of my favorite things to add to a chocolate shake is Kahlua. Kahula just adds a little sumpin-sumpin. Mmmmmm.....

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I want a chocolate banana protein shake!!! Om nom!!! Froen banana, some chocolate protein powder and some milk!!! They're some of my favorites!!! Sometimes I throw in some peanut butter powder too!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

LOL. I'm not super picky! But dark chocolate sounds HEAVENLY! I'm not a huge fan of super sweet!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture



Cover1W's picture

I don't eat milkshakes much but I looooove my chocolate banana peanut butter protein smoothie in the spring/summer for breakfast.  Pop that baby in my thermos and it chills down even more.  Such a treat when I'm at work.  I use almond or soy chocolate milk with no sweetener too. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I usually have unsweetened almond milk and I ALWAYS have some sort of berries in the freezer. I have chocolate AND vanilla protein for shakes. However, my "shake bar" in no way compares to my regular bar...

Cover1W's picture

Yes, I have the frozen berries too, mostly just use vanilla protein powder.  The regular bar is for later in the day.

I bought a new carton of chocolate almond milk on sale during the holidays.  Put it in fridge for after the holidays for work shakes.  DH mistakenly opened it, didn't want it, then put it back. Never told me.  I go to get it out this past weekend and it's gone bad.  I look at DH "WTH?!"  He's like, well, I opened it by accident but didn't want it.  WELL then TELL me!  No shake for me.

The man simply is on auto-pilot a lot.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The poop head!

I have never had chocolate almond milk.

thinkthrice's picture

I have an appt with the nutritionist on the 23rd who can be a bit nazi-esque!!   I'm just hoping to keep my current weight loss.  Of course she will have expected me to lose 18 lbs over the last couple of months!! ARRGH!

1 cup unsweetened flax/almond milk

1 cup of frozen berries

2 scoops of protein power

1 large handful of greens

1 TBSp of seeds (flax, chia, etc)

1.5 cup of water

1 scoop of collagen powder


Breakfast is ready.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Woman, if you can lose 18 lbs during Seasons Eatings, you don't need a nutritionist! LOL

What kind of greens? Kale? Cucumber? ???

Chia seeds are an ick factor for me. Crazy

thinkthrice's picture

Mixed spring greens and spinach.  it could be kale if you like.

thinkthrice's picture

i am eating them as a salad too.  

Blue Moon's picture

My mother used to make me Chocolate ice cream milkshakes when I was sick and didn't want to eat, and would put in a raw egg for protein.

I still looooove a chocolate milk shake, but lately I've tried them with Bailey's in it. O.M.G.!!!