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The fate of CS

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Court is coming up on Wednesday for SO. In my previous blog, I had mentioned that SO lost his job. "It" sent over an offer which was pathetic. She wanted to impute his income at 65,000 and she wants an additional 10,000 as well as, $600/month in CS for his 20 year old daughter and to pay $200 as part of the $10,000 in arrears (which by the way is BS). 

He didnt disclose his income going up but he also didnt disclose that he lost his job a few years back and was still paying CS as if he had his income still. His lawyer said the judge more than likely wont impute his income, but it will be a period of transition.
SOs daughter is pretending to suffer from social anxiety disorder, she is 20 years old and has not finished high school, when she was 18 she only had 15 credits, she needs 30 to graduate, instead of getting a GED or doing online courses, she decided to enroll in adult highschool and attend classes which contradicts the anxiousness associated with her alleged disorder. And thats why his daughter hasnt been able to attend school regularly. SOs daughter also missed many school days and apparently didnt attend the first quadmester this past semester because she was ill with a flu and strep throat infection- can a flu/strep infection really cause someone to be out that long? 15 days. And the quadmester has only 45 days. She surely was not a full-time student. SOs daughter will be 21 by the time she finishes Highscool.
(I also no longer call SOs kids, SS or SD, I have removed myself from that role as they have been nothing but a negative experience, actually this step/ex experience has been completely negative, there is very little positive i can comment on or say, besides SOs Son being a bit of a comedian).

I realize it can go either way, but this STEP stuff is really getting to me. I hate that in the country I live in, CS could continue on until 25, but typically until 23. IT is screwing up her kids lives by not getting the proper guidance so her kids become functional members of society and to not leech off of others. Its a nerve wracking time. She is doing this for the love of receiving CS. She also tried to drag my A-- again into it.

I hope the judge sees through that evil womens intentions.

We saw her response, it doesnt sound convincing.

Will update on Wednesday with the CS Fate.

Wish me luck!


thinkthrice's picture

We are under.similar circumstances.  SO has had a lowering of income since 2016 but has yet to get a downward mod for SD20 who sits at home, not in school, not working.  Also completely alienated.  Hasn't laid eyes on her for over 10 yrs. (for me that is a GOOD thing)  Basically reverse ransom.  Oh and YSS16 another 5 yrs even though truant, academic failures.. BM got them labeled "learning disabled--other"  after some extensive doctor shopping as a smokescreen for her non-parenting.

CS past 18 is an INCENTIVE for BMs to hobble their children.

tog redux's picture

Yep, DH has to pay until 21 and BM may have just gotten an increase for a 19-year-old, he is waiting to hear.

I just think of it as paying for a car, and count down payments. He should have two more years as of this month. Keeps me from getting upset by something I have no control over. BM is just doing what the law allows her to do.

thinkthrice's picture

in NY under King Kuomo is heinous...just sayin'  It truly does monetize and incentivize keeping your kids from launching.

tog redux's picture

I'm not opposed to supporting kids from 18-21. My parents helped me. But there should be a change that includes the kid's responsibility to help with his/her own support. I didn't leave home at 18, I went to college, and my parents paid for much of my expenses in college, so I do get that most kids don't launch at 18.

The kid should be expected to get a job, and CS should be reduced to encourage that.

TexasPickles's picture

Thank God that in Colorado kids age out at 19 unless disabled. Nearly impossible to be awarded alimony/maintenance here as well. BM would have had her crotch droppings on child support at 30 if she could.

advice.only2's picture

Holy sh@t balls, 20 and still hasn't graduated high school!! It should be written into law that if by 18 kid can't graduate they must join the military!

notarelative's picture

To join the army, one of the documents they require you to produce is 

Original college transcripts; GED or high school diploma

Military doesn't want you if you don't have one of these.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I wish  you the best with the CS stuff... Psycho is SUPPOSED to be paying us... Yet here we are... Over 2k in arrears...

They're more likely to enforce it with the male I think, so I REALLY hope that you get this sorted out in a reasonable way instead of the chaos she wants.