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Immature bratty SS afraid the dog is going to get hurt

NakedBee00's picture

 SS11 is a total pain in my ass. I can’t get him to leave my dog alone. SS11 from the time he comes if he is not being “entertained” by either SO or me he Harasses the dog. Not sure if he’s doing because he is Completely unable to entertain himself or trying to get a Reaction from me because he’s bored for 5 minutes. Things he does. Takes the dogs toys/bones away from him and Teases him with them and won’t give them back to him. wrestles with the dog which really means jumping on him and kicking him. When I ask him to stop I get a attitude and SS says he’s “just playing with him”. Yes nothing more would I like my wonderful Patient dog to bite the little bastard but I know BM would jump all over that and insist the dog be put down. Ive told SO he needs to tell SS he needs to stop or he’s going to hurt the dog or get bit but the little bastard Ignores his father and SO just gives up. I end up trying to keep my dog with me but it’s so stressful as I can’t follow the dog the whole time. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I'll ask you the same question I asked the last poster who posted about the same issue: Why are you letting SS torture your dog? It is up to you to protect your dog.

I'm sorry it is so stressful for you to keep track of your dog all the time - but if that is what it takes to keep the kid from harassing the dog - that is what you need to do. If you can't, then lock the dog in a room where SS can't get to him when you can't watch him. If you can't do that, then find the dog a new home where he can live without being hurt. (You said SS was kicking the dog - that is hurting the dog.)

You know the only way to solve this problem is for DH to initiate immediate and severe consequences for SS when he bothers the dog.

Swim_Mom's picture

Even though technically it is your SO's job as it is his kid, your dog is in danger. If you had a baby and your bratty SS were threatening to harm the baby would you wait until the discipline came down from the proper channels? No you would see it as the emergency situation it is and you'd say or do whatever was needed to end it. Whatever you need to do or say to that f-ing brat, you DO IT to protect your dog!!! If you want give SO a fair warning but that's it. 

tog redux's picture

If DH allowed SS to hurt my dog, I would take my dog and leave. I’m dead serious. Even if that meant just getting an apartment where the dog and I could stay when SS is here.  Forget rehoming the dog, DH can parent or rehome his kid if he wanted me to stay. 

(My SS was very loving to my dog)

Swim_Mom's picture

...and our pets are 2 Russian tortoises - they are precious :-)  I'm an animal person if you cannot tell - so I'd be insane over a dog (I feel that with all of our schedules, having a dog would be unfair as we could not give he/she the proper attention at this time in our lives). But considering I do not love SS, that is the correct comparison and I'm not the slightest bit ashamed of that! So I agree the brat should be re-homed not the pooch!

tog redux's picture

I love my dogs more than anything, I don't even like my stepson.  My dogs treat me well and love me unconditionally. My SS treats his father like dirt, and while he doesn't treat me badly, he doesn't care about me either.

I'm not the slightest bit ashamed of that. You reap what you sow.

STaround's picture

It is not normal to tease a pet.  Are there accidents?  Of course, These are not accidents.   Not only must you keep your dogs safe, but maltreatment of animals is a very serious sign of future violence to people. 

NakedBee00's picture

I’m just biding my time till step brat turns 18 and then moving FAR FAR away to someplace SS will not want to folllow daddy.SS has had a dogs at BM’s house since he was a baby and does not do this with them. BM was smart enough(I’ll give her that) to lie and tell SS her dog has a “back injury” so maybe that’s part of it. I’ve come up with fake injuries also which works somewhat. I maybe just need to think of a long standing issue for my dog. Also my dog is young and likes to Roughhouse and play BUT SS does not know when to stop and he “plays” to rough. I could never re-home him I just need to figure out the trick to get SS to leave him alone. 

Livingoutloud's picture

You don’t need tricks. You need to not allow him to touch your dog. You planning on waiting another 7 years? How much torture you want your dog to endure? Are you afraid of your DH? I really don’t understand why you aren’t putting stop to all this animal abuse?

Winterglow's picture

Here it is. Stare him in the eye and say "!"

And tell your DH about it and what he had been doing to the poor dog. If he balks, maybe point out to him that a child who is cruel to animals is a HUGE red flag concerning future abuse and mental health ... and elaborate, if necessary.

Harry's picture

If he screws around with the dog he gets time out. If BF saids anything he gets time out 

Chmmy's picture

That is awful. What is wrong with children of divorce? Its like they are not able to feel empathy.

tog redux's picture

My SS loved my dog and she loved him.  DH wouldn't have tolerated animal cruelty in our home if he hadn't loved my dog.

The OP has a DH problem.

TexasPickles's picture

Either step up and do a better job of protecting your dog or, if you are afraid of DH's reaction, rehome the dog. This is a horrible position for an animal to be in. 



RiverLark's picture

I would lost my mind if either kid touched my dog. I get mad when SD14 tells her to be quiet. If anyone hurt my dog they would never do it again, because if they tried they would never be in the same house as my dog again. 

Rags's picture

Paddle, meet toxic Skid ass!  After you light his ass up, give his ear a twist and march him to a corner, plant his nose in contact with the entersecting walls and he can stand there for hours until you get tired. If he issues a peep, paddle to his ass. If he moves before he is told to, paddle to the ass.

Keep upping his state of abject misery until his behaviors improve.

And video... Make sure any time this kid is near the dog it is on camera. When the dog eats this kid's face that will tell the story.