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They're Gone!!

MamaBear21's picture

The devil skids are finally gone! My life can now get back to normal, my daughter can finally get the sleep she needs, and clean up every 10 minutes. After a week and a half of them messing everything up I can finally be myself again. 

When they are here I can actually feel myself go into a depression, I don't think it's ever been as bad as this time though. I was a day away from going to stay in a hotel with my daughter. The minutes they walked out the door though, I could literally feel the weight lifted off my shoulders and the fog clear out of my head. 

Just have to pick up and sanitize everything one last time and my house is back to being mine for the next 2 weeks. I was just so excited I needed to tell someone so here y'all go! 

MamaBear21's picture

*and I don't have to clean up every 10 minutes

horseygirl's picture

Enjoy! Get your house the way you like you it, sit in a comfy chair, and sip on a beverage of choice. 

It's the best feeling ever to hear the door clicked closed after a week with the SS. 

MamaBear21's picture

I am  taking full advantage.. especially because this weekend is without them too! I don't know what I would have done if DH would have taken them this weekend too. I definitely wouldn't be here that's for sure. 

Chmmy's picture

Welcome to my life. They never leave. I had a bag packed to go to a hotel but DH talked me in to staying. BMs mother passed away so the kids were away a couple extra days over the break. How nice that someone has to die to save my sanity. Now because she took them during the week she wont take them this weekend so Im at my mom's for a few days.

MamaBear21's picture

I'm sorry, that sucks so bad. Never let them sweet talk you into staying.. you'll always regret it. 

TogetherForever89's picture


Enjoy your time with your daughter!! I am drooling at the thought of two whole weeks without SS (a girl can dream).

Cooooookies's picture

How lucky you are.  SS stays here 24/7/365.  BM2 takes him sporadically.  He's going with her next month for a week and I can't flipping wait!!