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Netflix for the Holidays

StepMat789's picture

So, I post on here every year about this time due to my SKIDS return home from college.  I am fortunate they are doing better and better every year, we have graduated from peeing on the toilet seat to lifting it up and peeing on the toilet.  Baby steps...must be communal living in the frat house.  Who knows.   

My anxiety is already on heightened alert and they come home this week for the next month.  WHY are colleges and universities closed for an entire month!! 

So my salvation rests on Nexflix and Hulu.  I take this time to go up to my room and catch up on my favourite shows and movies.  I put my quilts away, hide my toothbrush, put my china away and limit the number of forks and spoons in the drawer.  It has taken me 8 years to get to the point where I say, I just don't care anymore what they do.  The house will still be standing and if they eat everything in sight, it just means I can leave for a few hours to gather more.   

I hope you all are able to enjoy the SKID hell of the holidays and find some salvation.




Siemprematahari's picture

Netflix and relaxing in your room sounds great. Why don't you plan other fun things like a spa day, mani/pedi, get your hair done, visit a cafe, anything that you enjoy. If you start Netflix I have a few recommendations:




Enjoy the time to yourself and remember its only temporary :).