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Really Amazon?!?!

Simpleton21's picture

I'm not feeling to motivated to work today.  Slow day at the office so I was checking out black Friday deals on amazon and came across a picture frame that says "First my Step- mom, forever my friend".....LMAO....I bet you all want to rush out and buy it now!  You are welcome *ROFL*


Simpleton21's picture

I'm seriously considering getting SD one for Christmas to take home to BM's house so she doesn't forget me while she is away, lol!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Ew. Bad

tog redux's picture

Honestly - my sister has a relationship with her adult SD that would fit that frame.  We are the unlucky ones on here.

Jcksjj's picture

I'm curious about this..I dont have any other close enough acquaintances that are in stepfamilies to know but sometimes when I see happy stepfamily posts on social media I wonder if they are for real or if it's just for public show.

I do know of 2 people who are at least in part divorced because of stepkids though.

susanm's picture

File it under items that are wanted by .00001% of the population.  Right along with six-fingered gloves, day of the week underwear in adult sizes, and those home perms with the little tiny pink rollers.

Simpleton21's picture

LMAO, day of the week underwear in adult sizes, that sounds like a great gift for an adult SD! 

susanm's picture

Why else do you think I included it?  (evil grin)  I am thinking a pack of white granny-panties from Wal-Mart, some neon paint tubes from a craft store, and an evening with a glass of wine.  Merry Christmas, sweetheart!

Simpleton21's picture

LOL, I would love to see the surprise on her face!  Sounds like an amazing gift.  Almost as amazing as the gifts SD and BM get for me at Christmas.  BM always has SD get me something and it is always something super cheap and lame.  I would prefer they didn't bother getting me a gift so I don't have to act excited when I open it!

Also, side note, my SM used to buy me the worst gifts at Christmas.  I am pretty sure she did it intentionally.  Clothes 2-3 sizes to big and just stuff she got for an obvious discount.  Now she doesn't buy any adult children gifts and I prefer that! 

susanm's picture

I would love to actually do it but DH would kill me.  I will just have to fantasize.  LOL  The skids used to "give" me good gifts when they were young because DH went with them and he supervised and purchased.  Now that they are chronological adults, some of the "gifts" I have received are clear slaps in the face.  Think XXL sweatpants from K-mart when I am a size small.  Essentially the same thing that your SM did to you.  And BTW - sorry that she did that to you.  That is sad.  There are so many of us on here that try so hard for YEARS and would walk over broken glass if the skids would actually give us a chance to be part of a functioning family.  But no matter how rude they are to us, we restrain ourself until they are well into adulthood.  It sucks to hear about a SM being deliberately mean to someone when they are a kid.  Sad

Simpleton21's picture

Same here, I would totally love to give SD some crap gifts but SO would be to butt hurt over it and would know what I was up too, plus it is fun to fantasize and as much as she drives me crazy I wouldn't really want to hurt her feelings.

Oh, and my SM did that to me when I was an adult, lol!  Her and my dad met when I was in my 20s and I have always tried to be nice and respectful of their relationship and not like the other adult skids you hear about here but she has always been weird with me.  She only stopped buying adult children gifts when my brothers and I started having children b/c then she had to many people to buy for...and I get that....I never expected gifts to begin with.  

Healyourslf's picture

Okay...I wasn't gonna send an xmas present, but this if far tooooo precious. <<<mean girl laugh>>>

NOTE:  "PRIMED" has just become a verb!  *pleasantry*

Simpleton21's picture

Well hopefully they don't sell out before you get your chance to order!  I know this is a sought after gift! LOL

Dovina's picture

and on Cafe Moms site all the bonus moms are buying stocks for this item.

I dont know why or how we drew the shortest straw and ended up with these awful SD's!