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I Did It!

thinkthrice's picture

I wrote an ass chapping letter to the special education review board basically slamming the Girhippo in very professional terms.   I pointed out the pattern of all three children being on autopilot and that the Girhippo, although appearing as moty, is in fact a pathological parenting alienator and inappropriately treats the children as her peers with zero structure or consequences.

Wow that felt good.  I hope the board can see the pattern and act accordingly.  Thanks for all the input on my earlier post!


Livingoutloud's picture

Good for you. But I bet nothing would come of it as she act like a victim of evil ex and poor children are impaired and need special ed because their dad is this or that. She knows how to play the system. Terrible woman 

ndc's picture

Good for you!  I hope you got great satisfaction from writing it, because sadly, I doubt it will have any adverse impact on the teflon Girhippo.  She just sounds dreadful.

justmakingthebest's picture

I hope it works for you!! We both deal with some crazy B's who play MOTY but are really something else entirely.