Not sure where to begin
I am looking for some advice. I'm not sure if this is the right forum.
My husband had a previous relationship a long time ago with a woman who ended up taking his child to another state. I don't know all of the legal details but she had his parental rights revoked, married someone else and had the kid's name changed. He took her to court to try to fight it, I do not know the details of why he lost, but he never once didn't want his son in his life. If anything, it has been a huge issue in our relationship. He seems stuck in the past, unable to move forward. This child will be 15 in December.
However, now, I'm currently pregnant, trying to start a future with my husband, and she comes out of no where, suddenly cooperating, wanting him to meet his son. She expects this kid to come first. Before mine? You have got to be kidding me. She makes demands where she has no right to, holds all of the legal power, so one wrong move and he won't be able to have this with him. She lied to his son and why he was separated from him. She justifies and warps reality to fit her own narrative; to make herself look innocent. I frankly don't want anything to do with either of them. He looks just like her. He also lies for her. This week has been hell as they have been here visiting, and I've had to smile and act like everything is fine in front of one of the people I hate most in this world. She questioned whether "this", meaning my pregancy, was permanent. And if my husband knows for sure that I am. As if that would change anything? She seems to think she can just show up and act as if nothing has changed; reminiscing with my husband and acting like a bitch to me in my own home. I don't know how to feel anything other than anger and hatred. I know he needs the relationship with his son, but this is very difficult for me to handle right now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening.
-Pregnant and bothered
WTF. Why is his ex there
WTF. Why is his ex there visiting also? This would be a no-go in my house. Particularly since she is asking SUPER INAPPROPRIATE questions.
Honestly, I would have HUGE problems with all of this if I was you. Had your dh asked you how you feel about all of this?
She would never be allowed in
She would never be allowed in my home again. I would tell my husband he needs to sort this out elsewhere. The boy would be welcome, but at 15 he doesn't need mommy there as well. If your DH doesn't start enforcing boundaries right away, the next 3+ years will be hell.
Visitation is for parents and
Visitation is for parents and kids, not exes. If he must see BM to see the kid, have him see them elsewhere.
You can't address anything not knowing what went down in court. Does BM really hold all the cards? You don't know that. If you want to setup a visitation that works for you, you're going to have to start asking questions.
As long as BM is always along for the ride, things won't get better with SS. It will be hard enough after all these years to win over SS.
BM's sudden interest in your husband having a relationship with his son sounds like BM wanting to get up in your business.
You are not a girlfriend -- this is your husband's past you're dealing with. SS's presence will affect your child and you. You have every right to know details of how this became the arrangement and have a say is finding a new arrangement that works for you. Whether anyone likes it or not, you are part of the mix now.
Find out what you need to know so you can cook up a better situation for yourself and your child because the current arrangement is unhealthy and just plain weird.
And don't assume everything your husband tells you is accurate or truthful. These men take the path of least resistance because it's easiest for them. Demand answers and proof so you know what you can change and what you can't.
I assume they weren't married
I assume they weren't married and he wasn't on the birth certificate? Did someone else adopt the kid? What a mess. I'm guessing that her relationship with the "adoptive" father ended, and now she's after DH - possibly for money, too. And she's staying in your house? WTF? That's absurd.
I get that he wants to know his son, but not at the price of BM having his balls in her purse and STAYING IN YOUR HOUSE!? *shudder*
He should get an attorney and find out what his rights are in family court. Do not let BM use the kid as a pawn, that's not doing the kid any favors either.
I'm with tog redux... IN YOUR
I'm with tog redux... IN YOUR HOUSE?!
I don't allow Psycho near my house, let alone in my house.
If his parental rights were
If his parental rights were revoked, as her dh states, he has ZERO rights. He will bend to ex will to get whatever scraps he can (proof is ex is in her home disrespecting her and future baby).
If parental rights were stripped, I am guessing exes new husband adopted him and would be reaponsible for child support. But I will bet $100 she will try to get money, car, college, ANYTHING SHE CAN out of OP's dh. And he will give it.
DNA testing to be shure it’s his kid ?
EX is never allowed in your home. DH and DS should spend time together someplace else not your home. Your DH has no rights, He is playing a sick game with his EX. She has all the control in this, because he has no rights as a father. If he’s the father ? He’s setting himself up to be an ATM for his EX. That is the only reason she is there her Monday must of been cut off. Or nodody want to pay for the expensive coming up. Car, College, gifts, ect
^ something tells me cars,
^ something tells me cars, college, etc is exactly what BM is after- hince her asking if "this thing" was going to happen. She doesn't want another child coming along and using your DH's $$- that belongs to her (in her mind).
All I can say is No,No, No.
All I can say is No,No, No.
Boundaries have to be put in place. If BM wants your DH back in SS's life, make it legal. Get paperwork to establish rights. Now that channels of communication are open and he is a teenager, be up front. Have DH tell SS that now that BM is allowing visits, you guys are going for parental rights. Keep BM at a distance.
Actually, legal this is not
Actually, legally this is not his child, if as you state is true: "She had his parental rights revoked, married someone else and had the kid's name changed." If that is the case, then I would imagine this someone else she married adopted the kid legally. He is the child's father and not your DH, in that case. Your DH was, to be blunt, a sperm donor.
This might sound cruel, but I get sick and tired of BMs acting like they are entitlted to whatever they want, whenever they want, even if they are literally drug-addicted hos, and then coming around and trying to play the mother card, and trying to talk some man into picking up the dad card, when he was never ever a dad to begin with. This kid already has a father, and it is not your husband.
I think both you and your husband should see a lawyer to determine truly what, if any, obligation there is for your husband. If this other man legally adopted his bio-child, then whatever involvement he has with his bio-son is entirely up to him and has absolutely nothing to do with BM whatsoever. Don't let your husband be a pussy in reference to this. Does your husband even want a relationship with this child? Why would he have to if he doesn't want to. If he does, then that should 100% be between him and the child, and BM should be completely out of the picture, and yes, I'd get a DNA test too, just to make sure.
Right now, the only one allowing BM this much control is your husband. If he can't figure out which wife he wants, then you can tell him you'll be more than happy to move on to greener pastures. Whatever you do, don't suck it up and take it. This is NOT your burden to carry. It is DH's, BM's, and yes, because BM is such a manipulative a$$, she has placed that burden on their bio-son too. Regardless, the last person who should be paying any price is you, AND, especially your child.
See a lawyer, change the locks, and don't take this shiatsu from anyone! Get a restraining order on her even. If this other man legally adopted this child, then why is your DH acting like he should still be in the picture? He doesn't know this child. On the 1/2 chance that DH does want a relationship with the child, then that is between him and the child. BM needs to be completely out of the picture, regardless. There is no reason for her to be there considering the child's age.
Put up trespassing signs pronto
BM does NOT need to meet with DH in YOUR house, especially since she has been/is being high conflict. Your DH has fixated on the past, you said? Well he can have a present and a future relationship with his dear son, but your DH (and YOU) need to set some boundaries. It sounds like there are none in existence right now. BM has her Golden Uterus That Gave Birth, and now is using it to suck in DH. Reminiscing about old times, is NOT appropriate. Asking if your pregnancy is a "permanent thing" is NOT appropriate. Lying, is NOT to be tolerated.
The thing is, all these slights, and insults have been allowed, and your DH is being asked to jump through all these hoops, all with the bait of Dear Child. He is being used a s a tool by BM, and its probably because of money. Oherwise BM could give 2 f@cks about Dh having a relationship with his son. Especially when having rights revoked. And suddenly out of the blue, shes there and expecting DH to "hop to it", and jump as high as she commands!
Yeah, Toxic Troll always used the kids as a tool. Over and over again, primarily to hurt DH, because hes such a "bad dad" (they have 50/50 custody and he does everything for kiddo) but also, most recently to get money for child support.
So its probably money. Shes pimping the kid to get money for herself or to secure a place for SS to get money for college, cars, etc. I dont know how prosperous your DH is/has been, but these Golden Uterus women are always looking for the Golden Goose Egg.
Just no.
Just no.
You are pregnant, you don't need this stress.
If his ex somehow expects for him to put his life on hold and do as she demands that's not going to work.
He is going to have to nip her behavior in the bud. It's obvious she's using her son to get a foot back in the door.
And there is no reason for her to be in your house.
The son is going to be there no matter what and it is important your DH try to have a relationship with him, but he should not accommodate his ex in any way.
She is not a friend.
She is his sons BM.
Your DH and you need to set boundaries now before this escalates. It seems like your DH is being maleable in that he is letting his ex run the show. That cannot happen, this is your life she's screwing with.