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Gearing up for the funeral

TheAccidentalSM's picture

We are getting ready for the funeral next week.  DH wants it to be a celebration of YSS life.  None of us are religious so it will be a secular ceremony.

I've just been editing DH's funeral speech today.  Yesterday was spent visiting the cemetary, picking a playlist, organising food & drink for the reception and digging photos out of old computers & camera cards.

I'm not sure there is enough wine in the world to get through this week.

DH is now on a first name basis with the local charity shop staff.  He's washed or dry cleaned all of YSS work clothes and then donated them.  They are in good condition so we hope they go to someone who needs a good suit, work shirts, etc but doesn't have the resources to buy them new.

My father is coming to the ceremony.  He's flying in for the day.  Wish me luck.  He can be a pain if he isn't the centre of attention.  I've given instructions to all my friends to keep him busy.  I can't bear the thought of him creating a scene.  There's aready enough drama with BM, her current SO, her exDH (post my DH), MSS's SO's big Greek family, MSS's SO's slightly insane SF and a gaggle of random girls who think they were in love with YSS.

DH has had fun (NOT) handling BM.  She wanted things her way so she could play the part of MOTY.  He tells me he exploded and put her back in her box.  I tend to believe him because we are having the services in our part of the city.


Harry's picture

Sorry for your lost.  You must hope that SS is in a better place now.  DH must be guilt for making someone like that  that part of his DNA caused the problems.  

still learning's picture

My heart goes out to you and your husband.  It sounds like you're putting a lot of effort into his service and it will be beautiful.  Hopefully the drama stays at bay until it's all over, if not ss should get a good laugh at it all from above. 

elkclan's picture

Teddy Roosevelt's daughter wrote about him - "He wanted to be the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral and the baby at every christening.".... or similar. My mother is the same. Good luck with your dad. 

Just be as kind as you can - even to the assholes. 

StepUltimate's picture

I hope and pray it goes well. Glad for your updates, keep taking care of yourself. (((Hugs)))

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Thanks.  I really appreciate all of your thoughts.  Its been really helpful for me to get some stuff of my chest by getting it onto a blog.  Just a great stress reliever, as always.