OT - Women Wednesday
I was so busy last night, I did not have time to do any kind of research for women stuff. Sorry!!! So I thought perhaps we could share some of our favorite stuff.
- Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer (I prefer a lip TINT - not a lipstick kinda gal)
- Rodan & Fields Redefine Eye Cloths (don't stink, don't dry out my skin. I actually cut them in half and use on on my entire face!)
- NYX Pore Filler (NOT greasy, don't need foundation or powder)
- John Frieda Beyond Smooth Frizz Immunity Primer
- John Frieda Frizz-Ease Straight Fixation Smoothing Creme
- Kenra Perfect Medium Spray 13 (hairspray - holds style but can run my fingers through my hair)
- Coppertone Sunscreen SPF70 (I know too many sun worshippers with skin cancer)
- Microplane Colossal Pedicure Rasp (cheesegrater for your feet!)
- Pedifix Pedi-Quick 2-Sided Foot File (for use after that cheesegrater)
- Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E (I only under my clothes - kinda slick, but clothing "tones it down". Bonus: no chemical taste! I'm not eating it, but DH has had his mouth on me...)
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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You make me feel like I need
You make me feel like I need to put more effort in! I normally just use a night cream on my face. And due to my subhorreic dermatitis on my scalp I'm on a medicated shampoo that smells like crap... All the stressing means my flare up, I haven't gotten rid of, decided to become a complete and total mess... So i'm knocking it back under control, once I get rid of it it's normally gone for years, I just haven't put in as much effort with all the chaos everywhere!
However I do use the same sunscreen as you!!! (We joked about skin cancer way too much on swimteam growing up... I firmly believe that Karma is going to come for me if I don't use sunscreen... lol *shok* )
Ha! PA, you're YOUNG! I use
Ha! PA, you're YOUNG! I use the pore filler, eye cloths, and sunscreen every day. The rest is on an as-needed basis. I don't bother with all of the hair stuff unless I'm going somewhere other than work.
Two of my friends have mirroring scars on their arms. Both had a cancer removal that was DEEP and the scars are huge.

Three friends have had multiple surgeries to remove cancer. One is a damn IDIOT because she continues to sun worship wearing OIL, FFS. I honestly do not understand. Another friend's son died from malignant melanoma.
I think all the stress of
I think all the stress of step-life is aging me though Aniki! Thankfully it seems I have my dad's hair... So at least I won't go grey until I'm in my 40s... (He also gave me an immunity to small-pox... lol) But I've started getting wrinkles on my forehead... Which is a not so fun development...
I have mirroring scars... Mine are from burns though from tripping and falling on a tortilla press in high school... Oops...
WHY WOULD YOU EVER GO BACK INTO THE SUN AFTER THAT??? Does she not realize how badly that could have gone??? Skin cancer spreads!!! I don't understand that! If you survive that kind of thing, I'm not saying live in a box, but I wouldn't be back to flirting with that risk either... I'm sorry about your friend's son
Those are stress wrinkles, PA
Those are stress wrinkles, PA!! I actually developed a little crease between my eyes from stressing.
Her thing is that you only live once so she will live the way she wants. Which is stupid, IMHO. Who wants skin cancer when you can take steps to prevent it?????
Noooo!!!! Darn stress... No
Noooo!!!! Darn stress... No way around it right now either... UGH!
I totally get only living once and wanting to live your life the way you choose. BUT, I think going out because of skin cancer is a stupid and painful way to go...
Right?? Last thing I want to
Right?? Last thing I want to do is set myself up for avoidable health issues.
Exactly Aniki! If it cna be
Exactly Aniki! If it cna be prevented, why flirt with disaster!
Aniki can you recommend
Aniki can you recommend something for crows feet? I need something that is not too expensive and that will work.
Siempre, I wish I could!! The
Siempre, I wish I could!! The gal from whom I buy the R&F eye cloths uses an eye cream (serum?), but it's $60 for a small container!! I use Oil of Olay Age Defying Classic Eye Gel. It's $13 for the same size jar as the $60 R&D stuff.
I have light-sensitive eyes, so I wear sunglasses all of the time, which has defintely made a difference. One of my coworkers is almost 10 years younger, never wears (or has worn) sunglasses, and has more crows feet than my 87yo Dad!
Some people use makeup to fill in that area. The NYX pore filler would do.
I have the same issue with my
I have the same issue with my scalp! I've started using Puriya medicated shampoo - it seems to be helping!
I'll have to look into that!
I'll have to look into that! It's definitley not fun!!! I'm sorry you have to deal with it too!!!
Try the ginger shampoo and
Try the ginger shampoo and conditioner from The Body Shop.
It comes in a 2oz test size so you can see if you like it and if it works.
I used it a few months ago when I had an oily scalp/ dandruff flare up for no reason.
My doctor thought it was stress related - and the only stress I had was skids!!
Cleared up the problem completely in three washes.
May be worth a try.
Honestly I"ll give anything a
Honestly I"ll give anything a try
Because it has not been fun and it's gotten painful!
So I use the John Frieda
So I use the John Frieda Frizz-Ease Straight Fixation Smoothing Creme but feel that it doesn't quite do the job during the humid summer months. Should I add the Immunity Primer?
Try it. I've found that using
Try it. I've found that using both really cuts down on the frizziness (for me).
Face -
Face -
Body -
Hair -
Lemon, does the Aveeno work
Lemon, does the Aveeno work well on hands? I'm almost out of my favorite hand cream that is no longer manufactured and need a new one.
Aniki, it works on everything
Aniki, it works on everything! It actually restores the moisture barrier, so it is great for dry skin. My dermatologist recommended it when a topical I was using on my face dried my skin out. I love it and will never use anything else!
Lemon, I will have to try it
Lemon, I will have to try it out! I have to be careful because my hands are very sensitive to lotions (chemicals, perfumes, etc) and can cause my skin to burn and break out with a nasty rash.
It is fragrance free so
It is fragrance free so hopefully you won't have any issues!
What does the clarisonic
What does the clarisonic actually do for your skin Lemon?
Since I started using the
Since I started using the Clarisonic, I no longer need to use an exfoliant because the brush head does the exfoliating for you. I just use my regular face wash and I have noticed a dramatic difference in my skin. No more dryness or dullness and it's a lot clearer. If I do get a blemish, it goes away a lot faster. I've actually stopped using my prescribed topicals to treat my acne because I haven't had any break outs for a while. It was always my plan to stop using them eventually, so hopefully it stays this way!
OMG yasssss on the Marc
OMG yasssss on the Marc Anthony curl creme. I bought this on a whim and it is now my favorite product.
I'm pretty crazy about all
I'm pretty crazy about all manner of K-beauty lately.
Love the rice oil cleanser I have right now and the various face serums. Also love my peeling foot masks...
OMG, I read that as PEEING
OMG, I read that as PEEING foot mask and thought, "I hear that's good for athlete's foot, but a MASK??" LMAO!!!
I do love my body care
I do love my body care products.
Most of them come from The Body Shop because I love their stuff and it is cruelty free.
This is the most important aspect to me when I buy products: It has to be free of animal testing.
Heaven exists since I found The Body Shop's Banana Hair Mask.
It really is the only thing I have found to tame my wild long red hair!
On a bad hair day, I can give Princess Merida a run for her money!
So my hair now smells like banana and has been "Disney-fied" into submission thanks to TBS's banana mask! *yahoo*
Letti, I now want Banana Nut
Letti, I now want Banana Nut Bread...
I use Exuviance cleanser. It is a clear gel type but it has AHA and exfoliates. my skin has been feeling very smooth as a result.
IT cosmetics "secret sauce"..this is a pretty rich cream that has anti-aging properties. I use this at night.
Neutrogena "water bomb" mositurizer under makeup during the day.
I don't wear a ton of makeup but am one of those people that takes pride in having as few things in my case as possible. I found a NARS duo that fits that bill really well. It is a bronze/blush duo in "orgasm/Laguna" colors. The laguna is the bronzer BUT... I had gotten a sample last year and thought it was an eyeshadow so had been using it as the crease accent along with a pale lightshimmer on my brow and lids. So this one thing is blush.. bronzer and eyeshadow for me. It is less sparkly than many eyeshadows so it looks better on my 50+ age eyes...lol.
Hair - Monat smoothing duo makes my hair soft, shiny and lay nicely. I have been using their hair products for almost a year and definitely have noticed a positive difference. The smoothing duo is one of my favorites but I use other stoff of theirs too.
Sunscreen- This is a tough one because I have finally realized that all my go-to sunscreens that do a great job of keeping me from getting burnt up are also RUINING our clothes. Apparently not as big of an issue if you have city water but I am on a well with high iron content and sunscreen that gets onto clothing results in ORANGE (and not faint) stains that are a btch to remove. On white I can use Iron out and run it a few times and it will come out.. but on colored clothing that isn't a solution so I wash repeatedly and eventually it fades a little bit. I am trying some new ones that have no avobenzone which I have been reading is the big culprit there.
Orgasm/Laguna?? What a name!
Orgasm/Laguna?? What a name!
All of those neat-sounding things! Water Bomb, Secret Sauce... sounds like a restaurant menu. LOL
Goah, I have never heard of that problem with sunscreen. I found this...
I dont' have anything I swear
I dont' have anything I swear by but for:
Teeth: EcoDent Mint toothpowder - love it, not sweet, very clean teeth.
Sunscreen: Neutrogena 70 spf minimum - not greasy at all. I use it on my face too.
Hair: going to convert to a shampoo bar once our shampoo is used up. I use various hair gels, oils, etc. whatever is on sale for curly hair. I don't need much and am going to try just using Argan Oil once I'm out of my usual stuff.
Soap: French soap advocate. I'm a sucker for good, quality scented soap. For face it's whatever natural as I can get face wash - my grocery store caries a lot of choices so it's easy.
Makeup: Mostly a mix of Neutrogena, Almay (esp. the mascara), and Clinique or Lancome liquid eye liners.
I use Crest 3D whitestrips
I use Crest 3D whitestrips AFTER I have my teeth cleaned. They definitely make a difference.
My hair is very fine and mostly straight. Humidity kills my hair. If I curl it, it goes straight. If I straighten it, it goes frizzy.
I like Almay eyeliner and have... Raisin?? It's a brownish bronzey color.
YES, I love that color too -
YES, I love that color too - I ran out and then went to Clinique brown, It's more amazing. Stays on allllll day.
• St Ives Oatmeal Scrub + Mask
• Trader Joe’s Enrich Moisturizer + SPF
• Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer
• Benefit Boi-ing Industrial Strength Concealer
• Aveda - Be Curly curl enhancer spray
• Aveda - Smooth Infusion leave in cream
• Aveda - Brilliant anti-humectant pomade
• Aveda - brilliant finishing gloss
• L’Oréal Sublime Bronze spray
• Eucerin Intensive Repair Lotion
• Butter London nail polish
Is finishing gloss a kind of
Is finishing gloss a kind of hairspray?
Butter London...makes me want freshly baked bread. LOL
The finishing gloss is an oil in a pump. You use the tiniest amount, too. You emulsify one drop in the palm of your hands, rub, then apply all over to your hair. It has an amazing scent, too, like all Aveda products. One container lasts me a year +.
Ha I've had this convo at
Ha I've had this convo at work. They were shocked and horrified.
I literally just use store brand coconut body lotion...it's 400ml for £1. When out in the sun, I use store brand SPF50 sunscreen. Herbal Essences or Pantene for hair and V05 gel spray to keep my hair in place. Combo shampoo and conditioner as body wash as I find body gels are too harsh on my dry skin. Multi-vitamin couple times a week.
What can I say - I'm a simple gal.
Cooooookies, there is nothing
Cooooookies, there is nothing wrong with being a simple gal. If I can't get out the door in 25-30 minutes (that's showering, blow-drying hair, picking out/putting on clothes, drinking a mug of coffee, and slapping on a minimal amount of warpaint so I don't frighten people), something is wrong in the universe!
Ohhhh yes, coffee is
Ohhhh yes, coffee is manditory!!
I drink coffee so I can human
I drink coffee so I can human!
I'm wearing a shirt that says "I run on coffee and SISU"