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My stepson

Monchichi's picture

It's been a long time since I have posted, so thought you all might like an update from Monchichi land.

After 2.5 years of "home schooling" at BM's insistence with the main focus being on Chucky's social skills, he is still in Grade 2 instead of Grade 4. His social skills are regressing by the month and he's now become angry, aggressive and defiant in how primary house hold.

May I state for the record that I warned everyone about this outcome and I don't miss the drama any more?


MoominMama's picture

How have the authorities allowed this? He needs to be in a class with other children for his social skills to improve. 

DaizyDuke's picture

GRRR this type of "home schooling" should be a crime.  Actually in my state it is a crime... it's called Educational Neglect.  Has BM actually even been "schooling" and following standards???? 

Monchichi's picture

No Daizy, she has most definitely not been schooling him. She has been putting him in front of a computer and hoping he absorbs something by osmosis actually.

queensway's picture

Someone needs to do something for this child. It is evident that home schooling is not working. How can parents be so neglectful.

DaizyDuke's picture

Gotcha!  The lazy mom's home schooling curriculum.

  • Let kid sleep til 10 a.m.
  • After kid eats their morning cheetos and poptarts plop them in front of the computer for an hour with no direction
  • Let kid have a break to watch cartoons or play video games so you can use computer to check your Tinder and
  • Drag kid to the gynocologist  with you, and then feed him some chicken nuggets and fries
  • Get home, and plop kid in front of the computer again for an hour with no direction
  • Give kid "early dismissal" because you need them to babysit their sibling(s) while you take a nap

.......and voila!!!!!!  You have your next Harvard grad here! Way to go mom!!  UGH!  This happens WAYYYYYYYYY more than people think and it's sickening.  I can't imagine crippling your child like this.  Aggressive

Exjuliemccoy's picture

How the heck can someone with NO EDUCATION THEMSELVES be qualified to teach anyone anything??

DaizyDuke's picture

Stoopid isn't it???   In  my state, which just happens to be one of the strictest in the nation as far as home schooling.... you don't even have to have a high school diploma to home school.  Go figure???

queensway's picture

Daisy Daisy I just saw your post. I love your analogy of home schooling. Clever. Hey maybe if she drags the kid to the gynocologist he will want to be a Doctor when he grows up.

MoominMama's picture

will turn him into a Brony or a Weebo or some crap like that. Full of sites where weirdos go to tell each other that they are 'special' and it's all perfectly normal.

Have you bought him a fedora yet?