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alord29's picture

So my two step children ages 6 and 12 currently live in Wyoming with their mom who is in the Air Force. We live about three hours south in Colorado, and our schedule has been every other year until this current year we decided via text that maybe we should give them more consistency now that we recently moved closer and just let her have them the school year, we get occassional weekends and part of the summer. Anywho, the 6 year old has been suspended upwards of 10 times this year alone for really violent acts on himself and others. The oldest failed 4th grade last time he was with her two years ago, and isn't doing well at all this year once again. She is constantly leaving them with other people for extended overnight stays, the most recent one being on the 12 year olds birthday so that she could go on a cruise to the Bahamas. Since we haven't signed anything officially, it is my understanding that the child custody agreement is still the most valid document that would take precedence over any verbal agreement we had, and it says that we are to get them this upcoming August for a full year - is this accurate or does anyone have experience with a similiar situation?

We think that when they come for the summer and we don't get them back she will probably call the cops on us and try to have them back or we will end up in court over it.


ESMOD's picture

Personally, I would tell her that you think the kids might benefit from a switch to school years with you and the weekends/summer with her.  She may not be averse to that since she has an active life that doesn't involve them.