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tankh21's picture

So I am trying to look up modifications to child support orders. My DH has been laid off so does have to notify BM or just the AG? Also does he have to notify her where he is working when he gets a new job. We are in Texas. All of the information I have found is vague.


lieutenant_dad's picture

Did he get a severance package? Will he get unemployment? Do you think he will realistically find a job quickly that will pay him close to the same?

Before you notify everyone and their brother (and alert BM to this), figure out if you all can float CS until DH finds a new job. By the time it gets to court, your DH may have established himself somewhere; however, you would have stirred up a hornet's nest with BM.

hereiam's picture

I agree with lieutenant_dad, figure out what's what first.

My DH got laid off when he was still paying child support. He had savings and did get a severance package and unemployment, so could still pay his child support. BM never even knew he was laid off. In fact, she tried to have CS raised during that time. And, even with him being unemployed, it technically increased 40.00 (which was not enough for them to go through with the modification, so it did not get raised).

Had BM known he was laid off, she would have waited to see what kind of job he got before she put in for a modification.

So, do be careful.