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Insurance and providing documentation...

tankh21's picture

So BM took one skid to the doctor wouldn't tell DH what it was for however, since the skids are on my medical insurance so I can see the claims. I am guessing that is why BM didn't tell DH what she was taking SS to the doctor for. The CO states that DH is responsible for 50% of all medical expenses however the incurred party has 30 days to provide any bills, receipts, statements etc. My question is if BM doesn't supply any kind of documentation within 30 days is DH still required to pay? We all know that the right thing to do is to pay his half and he has every intention of doing so he is just worried that if he doesn't have the documentation from BM then she can try to say he owes her more.


lieutenant_dad's picture

If You have access to the receipt, pay half to the provider ASAP. When BM comes at you with a Bill, show her that half has already been paid.

tankh21's picture

BM hasn't sent the receipt yet. She has two more weeks to sent it. So should I just contact the provider and pay DH's half now?

lieutenant_dad's picture

You have access to the EOB, correct? As in your DH can contact the doctor's office and inquire about the final bill, correct?

By being proactive in this, your DH can avoid dealing with BM and still uphold the CO. Waiting for her to turn it in is only asking for a fight, especially if you think she will turn it in late.

Your DH is responsible for half of his kids' healthcare. He has the ability to access their records and bills. He needs to be proactive and pay UNLESS it is something worth disputing in court.

ESMOD's picture

She may not have bills within 30 days of taking them to the DR... Shoot, when my DH had surgery last year... we got one bill like 5 MONTHS later.  I think that she should provide the bills within 30 days of her recieving the information.  Lags in billing can occur because the DR may not bill until all the insurance is settled up and that can take a little bit.

Of course since you do get the EOB... you would have some idea whether a bill would be forthcoming and that your DH may have an obligation to pay up to half of that.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I don't check my insurance for claims. If you didn't know the child went to doctor would you have checked? BM still hasn't offically told your patner she took the kid to the doctor. She hasn't told him why. 

She's failed to uphold her end of the this and there for should be held responsible for all the cost incured. I'd call a lawyer if you can but my thought is no. SHE has to tell you and provide you with the information.

BM tried that crap over here. She wouldn't even tell my partner who the kids doctor was. Then came back 5 months later demanding to be paid back half the cost and for SO to pay half of what was left.... Nope. She took on that responsiblity when refused to keep my partner infromed.

As for why she took the kid to the doctor. Your partner can call and get that infromation himself. As for payment. If you only know because your checking the claim I'd personally ignore it and let her take me to court. I'd tell the judge myself "She never provided me with a bill or even told me she took the kid to the doctor." The child telling you does not fill her part of the legal requirements outlined in your order. 

Thumper's picture

While dad has the Docs office on the phone ask for copies of ALL visits, and vacination records. Try to build repore with the staff too. Dad should consider if HE wants his son vacinated for the Human Pappillnomavirus when the time is right.

Its fun to see how bm fills out paper work pertaining to responsible party section...AND in case of emergency phone numbers. Hopefully your husbands name is listed as dad and emergency contact too. NOT just responsible payor. Some moms do not list bio dad as next of kin of the child either.

True story.