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Skids and BM as always....

tankh21's picture

DH has decided to let BM have the skids the first weekend in May even though it's his weekend to let them see BM's mother. I am not even complaining about that either so on to the next topic. Skids don't have school on Good Friday which is tomorrow CO states that if it's DH's weekend then he is responsible for them if they have a school holiday that falls on a Friday or Monday. I reminded DH that he has the skids tomorrow since it's his weekend. Of course BM doesn't read the CO and will ask him if she is keeping the skids or is he since it's a school holiday. She is being nice right now since she got her way. If she didn't get her way DH would have received a plethora of text messages. I am still trying to accept the fact that this will happen for the next 6 more years if I want to stay with my DH. At least I get two skid free weekends in a row in May yay!!!


ESMOD's picture

In your case.. I consider the first a win :)  (I know you aren't complaining lol).

To the second point, I think in a way you are borrowing trouble worrying about what you think will happen.  And I am thinking that prior to you being in the picture perhaps the CO wasn't followed as closely (as in you had to remind him of the specifications).. so in the past, she probably just dictated what would happen and he would go along with it.

But, in any case, even IF she does call to confirm.. you can't 100% blame her because your SO himself hadn't looked up the CO stipulations right?  And.. if she does happen to WANT them and he lets her have them that day.. what are the consequences to you.  I mean.. yes she wins and you don't like her to win, but is there really a loss on your side?  Is it going to impact any weekend plans you have made for you guys and the boys?  If so.. darn straight he should stick to his guns and the CO and in fact probably be pre-emptive and remind her that he has them.  If not.. then I would just sit back and let the chips fall and if she has them.. yay for you another Skid day off!

Anyway, I hope it works out for you that you get some time to relax and enjoy the weekend whether the kids are there or not:).

Thumper's picture

I remember these days of back and forth about visitation. Does your BM actually keep the kids with her OR does she pawn them off on her parents overnight/s. I bet she doesnt even have them at her house.

For us, Thank GOD the majority of bs was before texting. We had to block her emails they were so traumatizing.

I dont know how everyone puts up with it the unreasonable texting junk.  You dont have to when you get right down to the nitty gritty of what is reasonable communication with ex's.

Get a home phone for 40bucks a month with answering machine. Heck you dont even need an answering machine. 

Enjoy your weekends.





tankh21's picture

The plethora of text messages would be how horrible that DH won't let the skids see their grandmother or she gave up her time for spring break last year to see the skids see DH's mother so it's only fair that he does the same for her.

strugglingSM's picture

...except in my case, BM wants to give the kids up every chance she gets. She wants DH to take the kids on school holidays and breaks because it’s “unfair” that she has to take time off from work. Mind you, she demanded that she have all that time when the CO was written, so too bad for her. I’m the only one who’s read the CO, too, so I’m not going to take the kids extra days just to babysit for BM. If DH wants to take them extra days and he can figure out how to do that without inconveniencing me or causing financial hardship for us (any time DH takes off from work is unpaid), then he’s welcome to do that, but I’m not going to rearrange my schedule or take time off that I didn’t plan on taking just because BM needs a break. The CO is very clear that SSs live with her all the time and DH can have certain holidays as specified. Originally, he was supposed to take them every other spring break, but she changed that, so now they go to visit her parents every spring break. She complained that, that meant he should take Christmas break because it was “unfair” to her to have them every Christmas break, but the CO is clear - DH only has them from 10am on December 25th to 6pm on December 26th - and she was the only one with a lawyer during their divorce, so she added that clause herself.

Before we were married, DH would just take the kids to keep BM happy and have his mother watch them while he worked - since MIL thinks it’s his job to “help” BM with the kids. Since I’m now in charge when SSs are around and MIL is not involved, I say “no way”. I’m SM, I’m not the babysitter so BM can have a break. As it is, she has them every Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, which always throws a wrench in our plans. 

tankh21's picture

Yeah so that is what a CO is for and BM should follow it! I don't get why these women think they can do whatever they want and everyone else should just agree. Oh wait a minute I do know because they have a golden uterus and birthed our DH's kids so that makes them special and everyone should bow down to them!! LOL