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No missed calls

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

So apparently SO NEVER accpts BM's calls.

Her father called to check what was up and explained that she was being a bit of a b*tch. Claiming SO never accepts her calls. Odd we don't show any missed calls? Odd she didn't text SO or use the parenting app? Odd they were taxing over some kids stuff yesterday but no SO never let her speak to the kids when they are with us.

Wish I was around and could have told the man the truth. She never calls unless it's to demand something to say about how horrible of a parent he is to HER kids. If SO gets the kids on the phone the oldest barely says 2 sentences because all the same time BMs demanding to talk to the youngest. and the youngest is 5 so you can picture how that goes.


The ontop of it heaven forbid she hears me sneeze across the house because she'll start claiming I'm telling the kids to get off the phone.


She's really playing up the "poor pitiful me it's spring break and my kids were taken from me." You know SO demanding she follow the order to the point he was at the school early with police on speed dial Friday.


No him informing the order is just to be vindictive to her and he doesn't actually want to see his kids. I mean what father would.


twoviewpoints's picture

This is the grandfather that does all the babysitter (aka BM dumps the kids on) and who probably has the kids more than BM self, right? I think you've also mention Dad gets along well with Grandpa?

My hunch would be Grandpa has asked BM how the kids are doing (he might even be kind of missing them this Spring Break since he has them so much usually). Well BM has no clue because she hasn't called/talked to the kids (yeah, the no missed calls).  BM seriously isn't going to tell her father she has no clue, so what better excuse but than to tell her father that *sshole ex husband of hers won't respond to her calls? 

Did Dad get phone calls , the whens, hows and 'rules of' put in the CO/PP? 

Dad might try having the kids occasionally call Grandpa when they are with Dad for extended breaks and their six week summer. If nothing else a 'hey, Grandpa, how are you, we miss you and we're having a good time with Dad and SM'. Might be a few minute call , might last ten minutes. Whatever a five year old manages to put out. It would reassure the older gentleman and it's harmless enough. He has been every good to these kids. 

The one thing I question though is where you said about if you had been home you would have told blah blah blah. Nope. Don't do that. Dad is a big boy now and can defend himself. He's just as capable as you f saying 'hey, Grandpa, yeah, everything is fine. No, my phone shows no missed calls from BM. '

Grandpa also needs to realize that BM and Dad are now officially divorced and Dad is no longer at BM's beck and call. If it is something about the children, of course, any messages left will be responded to in a timely manner. And yes, if BM is calling just to call and b*tch there may be times I do not respond to her silliness.  BM and I have a CO with each of us having a copy and BM knows as well as I do what it says and how things are suppose to work, so no, I will not respond to BM if all she is doing is whining and complaining about some part she does not like. I intend to stick with the CO and to parent to the best of my ability always keeping in mind the best interest of the kids and the signed and filed CO between  BM and I.

Basically, let the old guy know, Dad is a capable, loving, caring parent who desires to cooperate with the CO and co-parent within it's guidelines. The more Dad says and does these things on his own (like this inquiry) the more rest assured Grandpa will be that even if the 'women'(you or BM) are not around the kids are in good hands of heir very capable father. 

Meh, sure, SO could tell the old man to mind his own business, but remember Grandpa loves these kids and he spends a lot of time with these kids. And if it were up to Grandpa he'd let Dad pick-up and tend to the kids anytime he has them and BM is not around. He's not shown you he is the enemy or trying to meddle. 


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I waa frusteated over multiple things last night. GD is allowed to call whenever but normally only does if we have the kids for an extended time. He brought up that BM was claiming SO wasn't answering his phone and I wish I could just tell it how it is.

Thankfully GD is smart enough and trust SO. I just wish we could all stop beating around the bush and call it like it is. He knows his daughter is playing games.

BM makes no attempts to contact the kids when they are with us but she'll cry to everyone and their dog how SO is refusing to let her talk to them.

There order has the basic information about phone calls and SO has never attempted to stop her from calling she just doesn't.

They had sent a few messages the other day then the very next day she's crying that he won't let her talk to the kids. It's flat out lies to try and make her look like a victim.

DaizyDuke's picture

how old is BM?  Why is she having her father call DH to complain about her perceived injustices??

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I miss represented this when I write it last night.

Granddad called to speak to the kids like he does when we have them for extended times. He and SO get along well enough. He said BM was saying she couldn't get ahold of SO. I can only assume it was another attempt to make herself a victim. 

GD did nothing wrong and just wanted to clear up what was going on since he was speaking to the kids anyways.