good job Aniki... 1/2 lb is greater than no lbs... I gained 3... I'm hoping it's muscle... Otherwise I might have to admit to myself that I can't just eat unlimited amounts of street tacos... LOL
Haha! Well, today is National Frozen Foods Day and National Oreo Cookie Day and I took it upon myself to make sure we celebrated at the office. So, everyone brought stuff in and most of it is NOT healthy!
What I see in my fat loss clients is that they actually only gain about 3-5 lbs per year, leading up to the moment they say OMG and come work with me. That doesn't sound like much but a little every year, over 10 years, is a lot. It also fools them into thinking they can eat "masses of street tacos" (LOL) and wow, they didn't gain anything. To lose 1/2 lb consistently, even weekly, is fabulous and should be noted as such
Good street tacos are meat, onion trio, cilantro, and squeeze of lime juice on corn tortillas. Add some pico de gallo. NO cheese, NO sour cream. They are MUCH healthier than "Merkin" tacos. I actually lose weight if I eat street tacos on a regular basis!
My trainer has been pushing me to do more actual weight training, so I have been maintaining/gaining depending on the day. I do need to adjust my diet to match this; I don't think I'm getting enough protein, so I'm binging on carbs for energy. That is definitely not helping the weight part.
Supplements go a long way if you're doing weights I have a low carb protein shake for after work outs and Creatine and pre-workout for before. LOL. I started BCAA's this last week too. We'll see on those, but it's supposed to help restore electrolytes and hydration more efficiently.
good job Aniki... 1/2 lb is
good job Aniki... 1/2 lb is greater than no lbs... I gained 3... I'm hoping it's muscle... Otherwise I might have to admit to myself that I can't just eat unlimited amounts of street tacos... LOL
Love me some street tacos, PA
Love me some street tacos, PA!!
That 1/2 pound... I figure it's probably just a good "colon cleansing" purge.
Haha! Well, today is National
Haha! Well, today is National Frozen Foods Day and National Oreo Cookie Day and I took it upon myself to make sure we celebrated at the office. So, everyone brought stuff in and most of it is NOT healthy!
EVIL hereiam!!! I've seen
EVIL hereiam!!! I've seen containers of mini cream puffs in the freezer section...
Someone brought the frozen
Someone brought the frozen mini eclairs. Yum!
What I see in my fat loss
What I see in my fat loss clients is that they actually only gain about 3-5 lbs per year, leading up to the moment they say OMG and come work with me. That doesn't sound like much but a little every year, over 10 years, is a lot. It also fools them into thinking they can eat "masses of street tacos" (LOL) and wow, they didn't gain anything. To lose 1/2 lb consistently, even weekly, is fabulous and should be noted as such
It's the one thing I can't
It's the one thing I can't give up Veritas! I've tried! Street tacos are just so heavenly!!!
PA, I seriously never met a
PA, I seriously never met a street taco that didn't become a friend and go drink tequila with me
Bahahahahaaaaaaa!!! I can
Bahahahahaaaaaaa!!! I can actually eat street tacos and drink unsweetened ice tea (with lots of lemon). No beer, margs, or tequila.
Good street tacos are meat,
Good street tacos are meat, onion trio, cilantro, and squeeze of lime juice on corn tortillas. Add some pico de gallo. NO cheese, NO sour cream. They are MUCH healthier than "Merkin" tacos. I actually lose weight if I eat street tacos on a regular basis!
That's how I eat my street
That's how I eat my street tacos too! Nice and full of flavor!!!
I can honestly say that I
I can honestly say that I haven't eaten anything but street tacos for about 2 years now.
That's because they're
That's because they're delcious and i don't know why you'd eat them any other way.
Paragraphs are now working.
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!
Can I LOVE this comment?!
Can I LOVE this comment?!
My trainer has been pushing
My trainer has been pushing me to do more actual weight training, so I have been maintaining/gaining depending on the day. I do need to adjust my diet to match this; I don't think I'm getting enough protein, so I'm binging on carbs for energy. That is definitely not helping the weight part.
I've been eating LESS protein
I've been eating LESS protein and need to eat more. Bring on the meat!!
Supplements go a long way if
Supplements go a long way if you're doing weights
I have a low carb protein shake for after work outs and Creatine and pre-workout for before. LOL. I started BCAA's this last week too. We'll see on those, but it's supposed to help restore electrolytes and hydration more efficiently.
I want Lake Superior to thaw
I want Lake Superior to thaw so I can go swimming...
I'm just waiting for the lake
I'm just waiting for the lake level to rise so I can head out swimming too!!!