Long vent, sorry, lol.
I love my husband dearly. He is sweet, kind, funny, responsible and caring.
His kids 23F, 20M and 13M are (and I can’t believe I’m saying this about ANYONE let alone children, let alone the kids of a man I love, care about and respect) the most selfish, narcisisstic, indulged, rude, self-possessed a-holes I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting- especially the two older ones.
I don’t see them often and keep going into each meeting with a “this is a fresh start and opportunity for me to do better” mindset, but they’re just so immature and full of themselves that I always walk away with a stiff upper lip, but truely sad and hurt.
He’s doing the whole guilt thing his marriage of 30 years fell apart- it still took him almost 5 years to leave, even after she told him to and he still went back once or twice.
I don’t know what my husband expected. I guess I foolishly expected things to go on the same way they have over the years we were together before we got married.
It’s like he wanted a division line and he got it. It works for him, it definitely works for them but I feel unwanted and disrespected. And hurt.
It hurt that when he was in hospital for a surgery for almost 3 weeks, even though all three of his kids live in the same town, not one called, sent a card or visited (until one wanted to know what kind of painkillers he got and could they have some). It hurt me because it hurt him but he seems to be able to forgive and forget, but to me it just seems like he’s so close and so desperate for any little crumb that these monsters will send his way that he’ll give up his self-respect and the respect I have for him.
Between them and him, there’s such a wall, in my heart of hearts (boy, it’s easier to be honest with your emotions when you’re anonymous on line, lol) I don’t even care if I see them again.
I don’t feel any jealousy or possessiveness as far as other women or his friends; male or female, but I almost instantly feel defensive/envious/deserted/resentful/disrespected when it comes to his kids, partly, I guess, because I feel they’re all just using him.
He's decided to do a hail marry and pay to take them to AZ from NY next Janauary "to see his dad". Just family he says, so I'm not invited (although dad's wife/husband's step-mom will be because it's her house). These kids can't even cross town to see their sick grandmother (husband's mom) but if he's paying hundreds of dollars for them to have a free trip to Arizona, they'll take it. We have 3 different lawyers to pay for, are closing on a house this week, have all new furniture to buy since we don't have any now, plus have his alimony and support to pay, but he wants to put a few thousand dollars of OUR money (without asking me) into these rotten, selfish kids that could afford it themselves so that he can say "he tried".
I am feeling so horrible about this, I'm breaking out in a rash, have a constant headache/stomache ache, am having nosebleeds, etc. I've tried to calmly talk about it, ignore it...he says I'm being selfish and that I need to realise it isn't all about me.
Like I said, he's the most loving, fun, sweet, kind man I know. But these kids bring out the manipulated/manipulating, disrespected/disrespectful, selfish things that I never saw before. It really hurts to watch him and set him up to be consistantly emotionally raped by these monsters. The two oldest are the worst but even the youngest just has to put on a baby voice and say "you aren't mad are you?" and all is good. Sure, we'll re-arrange our schedule, why not? There is such a sense of entitlement for these cloistered, protected, spoiled kids and I get backburnered if and when they want something even though they can't bother to call to say thank you for a gift, a "hi- how are you?" or even, "I'm running late".
I've even gone so far as to try to watch "The Secret" faithfully and go to a hypnosis and counseling expert just to try to get over all the physical crap that starting to bother me.
I think I can take most of it, but this Arizona thing is really eating me (and the funny thing is, these kids are people I don't even want to be around at this point- I just don't like them as people). I would, of course, be around if he wanted me there, otherwise would just rent a car and let him do all the family things with his dad/kids alone that he wants. But to be specifically not invited, not wanted and rewarding these monsters with a trip when they've done nothing but hurt him (with part of MY money, no less and not even be asked about it!) is just eating at me.
Well, if you're still here, thanks for listening. Would love any feedback, lol.
- Jessie410's blog
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Ohhh I hear you! The
Ohhh I hear you! The difference is that you are married now, so they up the anti!
It's really hard, almost impossible at times, but I strongly advise you to stay true to your own self and, please, try to put a new perspective on this whole debaucle. Imagine how it will be for them when daddy wakes up to them? He will! It takes a while, believe me I know this, but he will wake up to them all and see their true colors. Patience is an art, practice waiting with a good attitude. The more they see that this upsets you the more they will carry on with it all.
I'd use a 'tone', a very dissaproving tone, when I was 'informed' that something was taking place. I'd say 'I'm dissapointed that (insert event) is not going to teach them anything important.'
Meanwhile, carry on enjoying the things you do and act like what they do is not of any great significance to you. Hey, it's only money and that comes and goes...right? Let them have it!
thanks, giveitago. I'm
thanks, giveitago. I'm realizing simplicity may be the way to go (aka "whatever", lol). So that's why I'm putting money out for hypnosis and NLP. I guess a part of me still begrudges that I feel like shit and have to spend money over their (including husband's) bullcrap.
And the lack of respect (from him- at least I've toughened up enough to not care one way or another about what the other two think of me) really, really hurts and I'm worried it's going to do irrepairable damage to us. And I really don't want it to (but it builds) so trying to work the angles in my own brain, lol
You married him and this is
You married him and this is how he treats you...Hell no...I would separate my money completely so that none of my funds goes to these brats...
It sounds like your husband
It sounds like your husband is a doormat with guilt/acceptance issues, especially when it comes to his children.
Until he gets over whatever is causing him to behave this way toward the kids, he will continue to do it, and you will continue to be repulsed by a husband that acts like a doormat toward them.
I think you need to either have a "zen" moment and realize it's not changing so you might as well focus on the positives of your relationship (I think a good counselor is a great step that can help you with this!)...or you start giving him ultimatums with the understanding that you will have to leave if he doesn't change.
Hey, it's only money and that
Hey, it's only money and that comes and goes...right? Let them have it!
I see this WAY different…you need to try and disengage from all things to do with skids. Maybe try to ignore how they treat your DH. (I know…easier said than done). It sounds like he kind of likes it anyway.
And if you do not want to use your money to finance the little snots then separate finances. ASAP.
thanks everyone. I can't
thanks everyone.
I can't believe how much better I feel just being able to vent. Even if someone were to tell me I were wrong or give me a different POV, it just feels so good to have people that understand.
My kids and most friends are in a different country and most of my family is dead so he really doesn't have to deal with anyone on my side other than my sister and niece a few times a year and my 6 year old niece idolizes him so he doesn't have much to contend with there, either.
I guess I just wish he could empathise with my POV occasionally or see "wow, she's left everyone and everything for me, so maybe I can give her a little latitude". Obviously I left by choice and he didn't force me into anything, but it's still been difficult. He still lives in the same town where he was born, went to school, went to college, had girlfriends, got married, had kids...so why change now, right?
I guess you're right about the money stuff. Due to the move, I haven't been able to work for a few years (coming soon, I hope!!!) so I've been living off inheritance $ and haven't borrowed or used any from him. But my reserves are down. As is my patience and my tolerance, I think, lol. I certainly don't want to split up or go our seperate ways, that's not a choice right now because I don't want it. But the money thing is a good idea.