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On the verge of a breakdown....

AngeLily's picture

We have dogs, kids, step kids, full time jobs. Stress with dogs, kids, step kids and jobs. Drama with dogs, kids, step kids and jobs. Dogs are getting new homes. S12 making me nuts and thinks school is "pointless" (that was my brilliant mistake by marrying his high school drop out father who says school is pointless) does not give a small rats ass about doing school work, take things away? okay and he still sits like a lump and doesn't care. Why? because his father says it's okay you can come here to live and then she'll have to pay me and I'll split it between you and your brother. Work is a disaster thanks to the upcoming holidays. I feel like the kid trying to plug holes in the dam and I've run out of fingers!


DaizyDuke's picture

We went through this with SD14... total negative influence from BMs side.. not a freaking person in the trailer hood works and they all lie, steal, and cheat. SD lived with us for about 3 months... DH was excited, thought he could get her out of the trailer park and away from the trash and the crap she's been taught, but it was too late. Every time DH called her out on something she'd just run off to BM/BMs mom (they all live together) and it wouldn't have mattered if SD murdered someone, they'd justify it simply to piss DH off.

When SD ran off the last time to BMs, DH told her she either got her butt back to our place or he was packing all of her things and she could live with BM. Guess who doesn't live with us anymore? Thankfully my DH was able to grow some balls and not be held hostage by SD and her scuzzy BM family.

AngeLily's picture

DH tries with him. He went to college. My XH is the drop out who really thinks school is stupid. Lets my oldest who ran off to live with him get away with doing nothing, and now my youngest is following suit. I CANNOT fathom paying that POS to ruin my children further. I love BS12 and do not want him in XH's environment full time, because I don't want to see him turn into my XH like my oldest is. DH says take stuff away....I do...doesn't change anything. My son is a smart kid but has some learning disabilities and his fathers influence (seemingly to get back at me for finally wising up) is making me insane.

DaizyDuke's picture

Why would anybody WANT this for your kids? Kids might think it cool when they are teenagers to not go to school, play video games all day and hang out with their buddies. will they think it's cool when they are 30, 40, 50 living in their parent's basement, with no money and no life? Will the parents think they are cool?? I just don't get it!

Sorry, but this chick wants WAY MORE for my son.

AngeLily's picture

I have no clue why anyone would want their child to fail and ACTIVELY encourage it! That's where my Xh is a real genius. Yes, I was the idiot who married him, stayed with him, had two children with him and spent 8 years trying to get the courage to leave him so my boys WOULDN'T become him. I am at fault here. DH is a wonderful man and although we have our problems, he is what I always wanted as a partner. My xh is a hateful human being and consistently manages to charm or bully his way into or out of things. He convinced my oldest that I was the abuser and told both my boys I left because I couldn't keep my legs shut. I am dealing with a first class nut and abuser who will say and do anything to make himself look like a prince and destroy me. Including using my kids. Come after me, fine. But leave them the hell out of it!