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Just another annoying double standard.

c-mom's picture

So get this. I have spoiled nephew tomorrow who is a mouthy little brat when his parents are aroundbecause they are the type that tell him a million times if he does ------ again they are going to do ------. The punishments never come though he keeps on. DH has never seen me with nephew without brother and sil. He is an angel because he knows if i tell him to stop, the next thing will be a punishment. WELL...... dh does not have a job lined up for tomorrow but refuses to spend the day with me because I will have nephew. I gave up my job, moved away from my friends, gave up my whole life to move in with him and his disrespectful children to be their live in nanny, but he wont spend one day with me because i am watching my nephew? conceited much? i have never made him choosr between skids and me. where does he get off making me choose between my family and him? ugh! men just dont think do they?


prozac_nation's picture

That is just ridiculous. :O

When SO randomly decides that his spoiled niece7 is going to stay the night when the skids are here and I have a problem with it [4 kids are ENOUGH!] I just complain that we are not a freakin' daycare. I sure as hell don't leave. That's a bit crazy.

c-mom's picture

yeah i told him. i was just bitching before i said something to him so i wouldnt say the wrong thing out of anger. just more excuses.thhis is why i swear i will never raise an only child. every only child i ever know is not very good at thinking abiu how what they do or say would affect others. he is definitely this way and sometimes it makes me so very mad.