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Annanymous's picture

Okay, so yes, I am raising SD. Yes, I love her. I don't need any "so the REAL colors come out Huuuuh evil SM" BS comments; got that before and it is really not helpful in the least. I can care about her and still have her get on my nerves to the Nth degree.

Okay, so now she is sneaking HOHO cakes for breakfast. I have been going back to work at night to finish reports and sleeping until 9am, she is 13, she can get herself to school. Well, she says she can't have breakfast because I don't get up and feed her. She is 13 FFS.

I asked her to make her lunch last week, I have been sick and working a lot and working late. She refuses to make herself a sandwich. Instead, she goes to school and mooches chips and cries about how she has not ate allll daaaay and how I don't feed her..then she comes home and waits for me to be back at work and gorges out everything we have. She has gone up two pant sizes and whines about being heavier than all her friends. I am so agitated.

When I was 13, I made myself toast and eggs for breakfast. She is capable of making herself hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, sandwiches, peanutbutter and jelly, bologna, or turkey sandwiches, she is capable of putting stuff in her lunch box. She just doesn't WANT TO.

She has this one character trait that I hate to say, but must be inherited. She soaks up pity and sympathy like a sponge. She will twist things when talking to people to make them feel sorry for her and it is typically geared at me. "my mom is mad at me again and I didnt do anything, I am so sad" (all I had said to her was "honey, its okay for the boy to post he likes you and that you're the prettiest, but could you please ask him to tone down some of the other stuff like how he wants to kiss you and how you know each other so well, since you only been "together" at school for one month and its getting to really make your grandparents uncomfortable. Okay pumpkin?" - literally what I said, and with a sweet voice. She texted him that I was "mad at her" and she was "in trouble" and that she "loooooves everything he says and how he calls her 'babyyy' but that her mom is being hateful and mom said he can NEVER post on her facebook anything EVER". <- Dramatic much??? I just asked, NICELY, if she could tone it down a little, being 12...

She texts this other friend how she is being abused because she had to water the elderly neighbor's yard and how "my mom thinks I am selfish and lazy so makes me water everyone in the world's yards in the hot sun for hours, and yeah, I still have not had anything to eat at 2pm but she has not fed me and looks like she is not going to feed me lunch so I guess I will die out here". ... I read what the friend wrote back too.. the friend said "WTF you're almost 13 if you're hungry quit being such a bitch and go eat, your mom is freaking working and you're not 4, are you? I am so sick of you whining and complaining you have it so good".. (hehehehehe). DSD said back "oh yeah, well I am not your friend no more, you don't know how bad my life SUCKS!"... Seriously. SERIOUSLY??

This girl threw a fit when I had fucking MONO and was half dead with a white count of 1.0, a fever of 102.3, and couldn't eat and was 13 weeks pregnant--- why? Because I did not GREET HER ENTHUSIASTICALLY ENOUGH WHEN SHE WALKED THROUGH THE ROOM EACH TIME THROUGHOUT THE DAY.

I can seriously not do anything good enough for her, it feels like. She uses me to whine to her friends and get pity. Even when I made her lunch last night (and still had to go back to work at 10pm for two hours) she left it in the refrigerator...I know for a fact it is because she likes how it feels for people to feel sorry for her. It is a life-long trend that I had been trying so hard to make her change. Her BM is exactly like that too though, unfortunately. She has not been around her all that much, especially not in the past few years so its weird. I do get whiny when sick, but I keep it under control and don't trash people, ya know?

It hurt my feelings when I read what she said to the boy about me "being mad" "saying she was going to be grounded if he ever posted on her facebook anything ever again" and all that.

I am worried because she has gotten more and more sneaky, like disturbingly. She lies constantly. DH leaves it to me.


I love her, but I am so tired. I am 8 months pregnant. I have anxiety disorder and depression and no meds, and I have been so GOOD and NICE even when agitated, I say that I am agitated and just give me a little space, and I never take it out on her or do any thing.

She is always texting about how boring her house is, how she isn't fed breakfast or lunch, and how unfair it is that she got a consequence for whatever rule she snuck, lied, and broke recently.

She sent out a text to every kid on her phone and said "I know I am ugly and no one likes me, so text back and rate me and tell me why you don't like me or why you think I am actually pretty and you do like me"... ///GAG???///

I just wish she would stop and give me a break, just a little break. DH doesn't give a crap about anything and so long as she is breathing, he doesn't care about internet or phone or whatever.

I am not being overly controlling either, monitoring her phone use and facebook, she is 12 not 17.

**Edited to add: The irony that I am posting here, whining about her, is not lost on me since her whining about me is what is part of what irritates me. However, I am not embellishing or making things up or intentionally not taking lunch to get pity. She keeps saying she is fine in the morning, but then she can't eat cause no one feeds her (hello cereal??) so I am going to tell her if she is tooo little to make a bowl of cereal then she is too little to do x, y, and z and I will rearrange my schedule to be up with her every single morning (which means no more sneaking on the facebook every morning like I know she does LOL).


Annanymous's picture


I know, all tweens lie and sneak and break rules. I know they all whine about their parents. I am just so freaking tired and exhausted already dealing stuff that FFS I don't want to deal with drama because she won't make her own freaking lunch.

DH said just let her be hungry, but make sure she does NOT get to come home and gorge, to make her wait until 6:30 pm when we have dinner. She sneaks in there and eats whole boxes of chips and all the hohos while I am upstairs at work. Moving my office downstairs to the dining room next to the kitchen, coincidentally, in a week.

I also have to make her drink water and that is going great. She won't do it or she sits it on the table and says she did.

hismineandours's picture

Um, yeah, she sounds in many ways like a somewhat typical dramatic young adolescent. I've found that kids vary on the dramameter-but I think there are LOTS of girls and boys like this. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job parenting her-and she is just pushing the limits and being a drama queen.

As far as the lunch issues-have her make lunch the night before with your supervision. If she forgets it the next morning, Oh, well. If she is sneaking hoho's-then stop buying hohos. If you must buy the hoho's hide them where she cant find them.

If she cant have proper facebook behavior, dont let her on the internet. I had to talk with my dd15 when she was about 12 about this. You dont post anything on facebook that is attention seeking, overly dramatic, or antagonistic towards anyone. Period. No exceptions. Or it will be taken from you. I had to take it a couple of times. That's it. She's 15 now and rarely bothers with facebook. The whole rate me thing I see on facebook all the time-it IS gagworthy and I would talk with her about that being one of the things that you dont text or post about it. If she wants to know why I'd certainly explain that it makes her look desperate and pitiful.

She does sound a little immature for her age-so I would work on trying to get her to take more responsibility. My two oldest, who are now 15 and 13, could cook full on meals by the time they were 12-not that they ever really had to-but both have surprised me at different times by having a meal ready when I was working late. My 10 year old packs her own lunch. She can make microwave meals and her own breakfast. (although she might choose hoho's too)

As far as the whole feel sorry for me thing-I feel you there-this is my ss14 as well. He started this behavior at a very young age-around 5 and never stopped. He used to tell his teachers I refused to help him with his homework, I refused to feed him breakfast, refused to sign his assignment book, and so on and so on. In his eyes he is the worlds biggest victim and his goal is to apparently make everyone else think the same thing so they ohh and ahh over him. He has grown out of it "a little" as it no longer garners much sympathy for a 14 year old boy to say his stepmommy wont let him eat breakfast. I am sure he is still out there manipulating the masses though, but since I have no actual contact with him any longer I dont care.

Annanymous's picture

My daughter has been doing that too! I no longer sit and do homework with her, but I tell her all the time, if you have a problem ASK...

I found out she was telling me she had no problem, but leaving work undone and telling the teacher that she just simply cannot understand it and has no one that will help her. I found texts to at least 8 friends telling them she needs help and can they help her because no one is home to help her. Erm, I work from home, and yes, I am at work, but I have ALWAYS stopped to help her with homework from the first day she started kindergarten. She was just getting pity from the teacher and friends and was getting away with not doing the stuff that was "hard".

I really am proud of her overall, I think I have done a decent job parenting. This was our first box of hohos in three months (DH went shopping...he gets hohos and cokes for his lunch sometimes). She snuck and ate them for breakfast one morning "because there was nothing she could eat...except cereal, melon, eggs, toastnjelly..). haha yeah.

It really probably is my fault, I used to fall for it when she played helpless and played stupid to get away with stuff and would baby her somewhat and always made all her meals until this year when I am now pregnant and have been sick with mono and kidney stones more than not sick.

She is pretty good on facebook as far as making public comments. She just gets sneaky. I scared the shit out of her about friending and talking to strangers on facebook, however, and I think it really worked. While I will still monitor her extremely closely, I doubt she will EVER talk to a stranger on facebook and offer them her phone number again.

I mean, I am proud of her, she is really good compared to most kids (most kids I know, her friends, my friend's kids, etc). So, I feel bad complaining about her ever like I am a huge asshole for complaining about her, she does her chores without any attitude at all!!! She even OFFERS to pick up or change the laundry over so I don't have to walk down the stairs and back up. She really truly is great, so I do feel like a douchebag for complaining at all, but hell, its still annoying at times!

Kilgore SMom's picture

Be proud she sounds most Bio tween daughters I know. They hate their moms from 12-20. So you must be doing a good job. I'm sure her friends see right through her bs were your concerned. I remember my daughters doing the same thing to me. Thank God they didn't have FB, texting and phones back then. LOL.

Annanymous's picture

LOL yeah. At least she has /never/ said "I hate my mom" or "My mom is a bitch" or anything anywhere NEAR that. It would break my heart. Her stuff is just petty little things she twists a little to get some pity. She is really a good kid, but that pity-milking is annoying. The stuff about me I suppose is because I am the primary parent that gets on her and watches her every move. She did say she thought she lived with "prison guards" hahaha she said that at age 11 because we would not let her have a computer in her bedroom. Smile Guess that means I am doing okay.

Perhaps we have worked too hard to not feed into the pity-sucking her whole life that we drove her to it... We'll saw aww you're fine come on, get a bandaide and lets get back on the bike. She instead takes all her friends inside at age 7 and lies in her bed and has the two girls putting wet paper towels on her (BARELY) skinned knee and forehead and the other girl holding a glass of water with a straw up for her to weakly lean over to drink. DH yanked her out the bed and sent her back outside. It was really not even barely scraped, not even bleeding more than a tiny drop.

Hoho buying - DH buys Hohos and cokes for his refrigerator in the garage to take in his lunch. He works 12 hour shifts, if he wants hohos he can have his hohos. This was the first time he put them in the kitchen fridge so DSD and I could have one after dinner one night. She thought she would be sneaky and eat them for breakfast.

I just failed the diabetes screening, however, so won't be any more anything in the kitchen regardless. DH does the grocery shopping, and I always remind him to LIMIT the deserts.

aggravated1's picture

I have a BD16, and I am thanking God right now I don't have any of these issues with her. Is this really normal behavior? My daughter's friends don't act this way, either.

Punish her for misbehaving. Stop buying Ho-Ho's. Let her not eat, and don't worry about making her drink water. You are the one getting stressed out, not HER.

Annanymous's picture

I have a BD16, and I am thanking God right now I don't have any of these issues with her. Is this really normal behavior? My daughter's friends don't act this way, either.

--Uh huh. Your kid has never done anything sneaky, never done anything unbecoming, and has never once thrown a pity party? NEVER? Never broken any rules at all? EVER? That is pretty amazing. The regular kids that go to school and are all a bunch of friends are not like that. Why is it I find that so extremely hard to believe. Are the homeschooled or something?

Punish her for misbehaving.

--Really? Never figured that out. Sneaking a hoho for breakfast one day is not quite "misbehaving", either to be punished.

Stop buying Ho-Ho's.

--We should never buy my husband HoHos for his lunch again because she snuck hohos one morning? No more deserts for you, SD, EVER because you misbehaved one morning and snuck a HOHO! You will never have computer or deserts agaaain! Right, great idea. That really teaches her self-control now doesn't it? Great way for her to be able to self-regulate as an older teen or an adult.

Let her not eat, and don't worry about making her drink water.

--She is instructed to drink water and take pills by the nephrologist. "don't worry about making her drink water" is simply bad parenting.

aggravated1's picture

I don't know why you are being so sarcastic. It is terribly unbecoming.

I personally don't see the issue with me being glad that my daughter doesn't have these same behaviors, or why it struck such a nerve with you. It isn't like I said you were a shitty parent or anything. That being said, I guess I should apologize since you are so upset. Sorry my kids doesn't suck like yours???? Will that cover it?

Frankly, with the mentality I see you have shown here it's not hard to see where some of the fault lies. All of the behaviors you listed are punishable behaviors, and for God's sake, who needs a fucking HoHo to exist? Will your husband die without a HoHo?

I get it. You just wanted to bitch about the kid because you don't want to actually DO anything.

"Great way for her to be able to self-regulate as an older teen or an adult.

Let her not eat, and don't worry about making her drink water.

--She is instructed to drink water and take pills by the nephrologist. "don't worry about making her drink water" is simply bad parenting."

You harping after her isn't going to make her "self regulate". How is that working for you?