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Heaven and hell of step-mummy saga

kimjessnella's picture

Today were are in Hell...

I met me partner 3 yrs ago and both knew we had children from previous relationships.
The issues we have are not bought on by the children but by his ex wife...

We are currently left with my ex's partner dicating where my partners children are to stay (with his parents and not my house.) Her intial reasons were our house is to small...

Now there has been a complaint from son that my 2 children annoy him..well they are girls and he is a boy. Though both my grls have been very accommodating and accepting of both children. They understand that they have to share their space, toys and time.

My girls are so upset he does not want to come here and I am working hard at showing them it is not what he has said but the way his mother is reacting to it that is the problem.

Things with ex wife have got worse since we got engaged in July this year despite the pack she marries her partner next month...This os the same person she threw my partner out of the family home for so she could move him in...

All we want is to build a strogn faily thimgs as a family and enjoy each others company as a family...not gpot a clue how we can do that at the moment...


Lalena75's picture

Do they have a court order that says where they can and can't stay? Is there anything in it that says BM gets to make all visitation decisions? If not then it's not up to her and your SO needs to set boundries and stop letting her control what he does with his kid in his time not her house not her rules. And kids don't get to tell adults what to do either however this is on your SO to set it right he has to draw the line and make BM follow any court order if he has one.

kimjessnella's picture

We do not have a contact order as tbh we can not aford more £1000's for us to be no further on.
My DH is worried if get gets one she will fight is and we will end up paying so much money out .
There are serious issues with her care for the kids..clothes that do not fit, never doing things, constant terrible case of headlice but DH is to worried to rock the boat incase she stops contact fully.
BM is aware that by the kids not staying over night she gets more money and this is all that matters to her.
They are coming this weekend and I am dreading it already.
This have got worse since we got married in March but OH just feels he can not fight her.