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What would you do?????

Newstep's picture

SD13 just got her phone back after losing it for a month. She lost it because she was being irresponsible. She was texting late at night or texting during the day while we were at work making plans to do stuff when she knows the rules are she stays home untill we get home from work. She would make plans with her BM then leave and have some BS excuse about she had to go or some other nonsense. So she was punished and she lost her phone. She has had it back for a month now she got the talk about a phone being a responsibility and a privilege it is not her right to have a cell phone. She seemed to get it.

Well yesterday she calls SO and says she lost her phone can't find it anywhere blah blah blah. She has done this before when she wanted a new phone. So I get a call from SO and he says call Verizon and suspend her line she lost her phone. So I get on the phone with Verizon and in the meantime I keep getting a call from a blocked number. I get done with Verizon they will suspend it for 30 days and if we find it or get a new phone I can reactivate it. Well SO calls me about 20 mins later BM called him and said she knows where the phone is so don't suspend it. WTF if you know where the phone is it should be in your hand right?? No not SD and BM. So BM says she thinks she left in the gym at school. SO tells her its already done SD is out of luck besides she doesn't know where her phone is because she doesn't have it end of story and hung up.

BM blows up his phone and he ignores it. She was trying to call me from a blocked number and I ignored it. So in fairness both SO and I text BM's phone to SD saying if you find your phone tomorrow let us know. Zero response from BM or SD. Later that night SD texted me from her sisters phone asking about something else. I answered her and again said let me know if you find your phone. No response again. It is now 10:00 she has been at school since around 8 and we haven't heard if she has located her phone or not.

I am irritated and this shows me that she is not responsible enough to have a phone. SO wants to take it from her for a month again. I say take it away completely untill she proves herself. What do you all think??


Newstep's picture

Exactly what I was thinking she had the phone and SD wants a new one. So instead of being forthright they do there usual sneaky lying BS. SD could have said I would like a new phone. What can I do to earn it??? Yeah right lol

B22S22's picture

And was the blocked number you got a call from blocked by BM? Ever wonder if maybe the blocked number was your SD's cell that BM had?

Jsmom's picture

Disconnect it. If BM wants her to have one, let her do it. I don't think they are responsible until 13 and even then that is suspect. She has proven she can't handle the responsibility.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

If it was me, I would shut her phone off and not get her another one. Regardless of whether or not she finds it, regardless of her maturity or responsibility level that phone is causing A LOT of DRAMA with BM, SD, BM and DH, SD and DH, DH and You, etc etc. In my opinion, its not worth it.

ThatGirl's picture


Newstep's picture

Exactly what I told SO and I said if BM has a problem she can get SD a phone and pay the bill every month. I am so done with the damm BS