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O/T The nutjobs are coming to my state...finally.

IAmALady77's picture

Just heard the Westboro Baptist Church is protesting a fallen soldiers funeral in Michigan about half an hour from where
I live. Already RSVPd to the event, all of West Michigan (slight exaggeration maybe;)) will there as a human shield. God doesn't hate fags, God doesn't hate anyone. These people make me sick and I am so glad that I can be apart of this.


IAmALady77's picture

They "protest" dead soldiers funerals because they beleive that the soldier died because God is punishing America for being tolerant of gays. They aren't really protesting they are just jeering at the mourning family and yelling hateful cruel things like that their dead family member deserved it ect ect. They are disgusting.

Purplemom's picture

I think it is all about what will offend the most people and therefor get them the most attention.

WHat I fond incredibly sad about this is that it seems that one crazy daughter is ruining the reputation of her father who at one point was a good man. From what I have read the "founder" was one of the leading civil rights attourneys in the 60s and tried some very important cases. I find it hard to believe that a man with that much integrity and passion for equal rights would be the founder of such hate.

Some of his other children think the same, and claim that he is suffering from alzeimers (sp?) or mental illness and is under the thumb of the crazy sister.

herewegoagain's picture

Ah, yes, more nuts in the I had heard they were even going to protest the funeral of Sylvester Stallone's son with the view that "because Sylvester was an adulterer, he himself killed his son...blah, blah, blah"...People are truly sick.

Lalena75's picture

We had them at 2 funerals locally in IL not only did thousands of civilians show up but we had the Patriot Guard as well as the freaking Hell's Angels show up against that church! they couldn't squeeze anywhere near town let alone the funeral it felt great to be a part of standing up for families rights not to have to deal with hate during a time of grief.

doll faced sm's picture

I thought they just lost the right to protest from between 3 hr.s before a funeral to 3 hr.s after it. :? What changed since like 2 days ago? Or are they hoping to get arrested so they have their case tried in court?

IAmALady77's picture

They have to be 300 feet from the funeral and they can't protest 2 hours before or they're gonna get there super early apparently. Line up for the peace shield starts at 8am so who knows?