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Skids and their issues

capt_lou's picture

My Skids do not live with us, or do not come around at all for many reasons (you can read my prior blogs to learn why) I have not seen them for a long time which is fine by me.

But I do hear about them from my DW. She tells me about how miserable they are with BF and how they only text her when they want something.

Now none of this really affects me at all, it does not affect my DD9 or my DS19, my money or my house. But is still pisses me off to hear about them or what they are up to.

I don't know if this is normal.


hereiam's picture

I think it's normal because I'm sure it upsets your DW and you care about her.

I only care what is going on with the SDs in case they are trying to manipulate my husband.

Notmyownlife's picture

DH has 3 kids, His daughter who is 22 and lives in another state and I have never met her, I do hoever get the p;leasure of reading her nauseating messages to her dad on FB like,,,,I just got fired from my last job because im way to pretty and everyone was jealous ( no joke) she only talks ot her dad when it suits her, and thats why i get frustrated but also I could care less about her life,

the other 2 live with us 60% of the time and i adore them, but i also dont miss them when they arent here ( go figure)

So yes what you feel is normal,