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My SM doesn't do that...

Tranquility's picture

I can just hear it: "My SM doesn't yell, hit, say mean things to us... you guys need to shape up if you want us to visit you guys". SD5 and SD10 tell me how mean and rude their bio family is to them. Today, SD5 said "I don't like my mom, grandma, etc.". I was waiting for it to see if I was included in this pile of hated people, never came. This is a little girl so in love with her dad that she cockblocked every moment together in the beginning and has now learned to appreciate me because I am firm, but speak in love and hold my ground. So-hang in there, people, these little puppies will eventually learn to come around. My problem now is teaching them how to accept their bios with the good, bad and ugly and understand that their dysfunctionalities are not about them, they are about the adults that carry them.

So, when you think your skids hating you is a problem-think again! You could have my problem- the opposite- when they never want to leave your side or your household...


BSgoinon's picture

I am on this boat with you. BM isn't mean to SS, just is just so wrapped up in her own drama all of the time, she forgets to be a parent. And SS LIKES being parented.

Tranquility's picture

How do you feel about this? I feel like the Stork dropped two more babies in my lap without me planning on it. I would almost prefer an over-bearable mother to a useless one... She reminds me of a kookoo bird that sets her eggs in my nest and expects me to raise them while she plays the tired Polyanna to the point where she's got the skids convinced that she is ill with migraines and feel sorry for her-while she is basically hung over all the time, spending all her efforts on the 20 year younger than her trust fund baby that she hooked with her Spread Eagle in hopes he will marry her into his fortune... Nauseating...

BSgoinon's picture

HAHA, I could see how you would feel that way.

It used to really bother me that BM just doesn't DO ANYTHING for SS. Nothing of real substance anyways. She turns on the television for him (IF they happen to have TV at the time) but that is really about it. But now, I just figure he is mine, and I just do what needs to be done. I love the kid... he is a blessing.