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Just go away already...

thatchic2324's picture

Sybil, the DH's ex, keeps threatening to take the kids to Florida. And although I would hate to see my hubs be sad, our life would be so much simpler. When we don't have my skids for a week or two our lives are harmonious. We have schedule and routine, we have fun, we do things. There's little to no whining. Our kids are up for new things. It's parental bliss. But every single time they're here it's nothing but whining and complaining and bitching and moaning. This is boring/stupid/gay/retarded... ugh. Their voices make me cringe. BM keeps threatening to move to Florida. Does it make me super evil stepmonster to wish she would just follow through? I know my hubs and he's not one to fight too hard. Even if it's important to him. *note* pretty sure she still has at least one of his balls in a jar on her mantle* Just go away and leave us in peace to move on. I suffer from what my dr's are pretty sure is lupus and i've been diagnosed bipolar for over 10 years. The stress they cause me puts my health, mental and physical, at risk. It almost makes me hate them. God I feel like such a horrible person. How do I make this better? Anyone.... anyone? Beuhler...? Beuhler? Barf! :sick:


Anywho78's picture

Craving a stress-free life does not make you a horrible person. Your health alone is reason to silently pray that one day, the bitch follows through. They aren't your kids, they are your DH's kids...HE will miss them...YOU don't have to.

Invisiblestepmom14's picture

I'm with you! Our BM moved the skids across the country (we are all military), and then we moved shortly after them but were still a few thousand miles away from her! It's bliss!! No EOW!! No having to see BM at all!! I haven't had to lay eyes on her in 6 years!! Skids come out only during the summer and if DH is deployed during summer visit then he goes to them for a few weeks after deployment! I went 2 whole years without seeing skids! It was soooo nice! Skids are a little older now and pretty low maintenance, I'm surprised that they are pretty well behaved. But they know at dad's house we don't tolerate any BS! DH is deploying next summer as well! So no skids next year!! Smile