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Eww disgusting and disturbing!

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

:sick: I just dreamed that BM² found out I'm pregnant and tried to get pregnant because I was. *gags*


Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I just don't understand what her deal is. I feel sorry for her next victim. Her boyfriend told me he doesn't want kids (but I think he just doesn't want kids with her)

Tranquility's picture

Pretend to jump off a bridge and see if she does it too haha Just kidding. Just ignore her. My ex's BM used to do that. He loved reporting to me all her moves and carry that drama.

Repeat after me: I don't care, I am just here to have fun with my husband. The rest is just garnish.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

OMG. I think about that when I am stressed out. I imagine not telling ss until six months into it so that if she does try that shiz we wont be pregnant at the same time. Isnt that awful!