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one step forward and five steps back

young_step_mom's picture

BM just texted DH asking if he could get SS tonight because she had to go out and her mother will be going out tomorrow and won't be able to do the drop off. So now DH is worried that if he says no she will say well then you wont get him then and this will be two weekends in a row she doesn't let us have him.

I HATE doing favors for BM and whenever she pulls her stupid shit DH agrees and says we aren't doing anymore favors blah blah blah and here we are again re arranging our plans to accomodate her. Why the fuck did I get involved w a man w a child? Seriously, Doc Brown or Marty if you are reading this, please lend me your Delorean for like one hour. It would be greatly appreciated Smile


LRP75's picture

Where I am at, this was posted at 9:15pm. Is that the time zone you are in? If so, that is so completely unreasonable of BM. I understand the dilemma though.

young_step_mom's picture

Yup, 9:15. Our pick up is usually Saturday at 2:00 and both DH and I work tomorrow. It is waaaaay too late to even ask someone on our side to change their plans and watch SS. DH completely side stepped BM and called her mother to tell her that at most he could pick up SS 2 hrs early tomorrow and her mother said yes so I guess it wasn't as urgent as BM made it seem. This woman is ridiculous.