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Her Birthday

Queenbeeof4's picture

So my SD birthday is coming up in a few weeks and her father told me he planned on getting her a new iPhone 4. I kindly listened to everything he said he then asked me what else do u think I should get her? I looked at him with this look of disgust and just walked away. With everything that I had voiced to him yesterday why the hell would he think my input would really count? My SD is the most disrespectful teenager I have ever met! She can walk into my house and not even speak and then she will get the kids all rowdied up at my in laws and his parents will start yeling at my kids bc it's too much noise but it's ok for a 15 yr old to be running around the house screaming but not my kids how are 8,5,3,2! My frustration for her is turning to hate and I never thought I could or would have to hate a kid? For me to have been in her life this long is amazing that a bond was never formed. He actually had the audacity last night to say he didn't think I was Putting in the effort. We went from discussing why he felt that way to him saying he needs to work on his relationship with her too? That's not my fault that he has made this gap between them. I never on e have said no don't go see her or don't bring her to our house. Coming to our house is like the worst thing she would have to do! I'm sorry that my house isnt superb enough for her but it's better than having dog shit and piss smelling in my house! I beginning to really ended if marriage is going to be a good idea for my finance and I? The way things are going right now looks as if no save the st cards going out anytime soon! My body and mind are so emotionally and physically drained that it hurts to just get up and function to get my kids off to school. I am just so tired of my life like this and my fiancé just saying a bunch of bullshit! Everyone has told me that she probably has "mommy" issues and wants answers but I can't give her answers. Her mom doesn't live that far away but my SD refuses to want to deal with her bc she says she does t know her but her mom can only explain to her. My fiancé and his exBM don't really get along and can't talk civilized to each other and she already knows I ain't dealing with her bullshit from when I had to give a tap piece fist punch to the face so we ain't talking no time soon! She does know that if she wants to cal
Or talk to her dgtr she has the number and address to contact her. She has never in the 10 1/2 yrs I have been with my fiancé her mom has. Not once since she left when she was like 4-5 has her mom contacted her to see how she was! But I've been there thru it all but I'm not making the effort ?! Someone please give me some insight on what I need to do bc I feel like I'm the crazy one and I'm just trying to get us to be a family. My fiance's family thinks that she needs to come stay with us but it's going to be a problem with taking her come his parents! There's no type of structure in that house the dog poops and pees where it wants she (SD) lives like a PIG! She barely showers and she looks a hot mess bc she won't learn how to do her hair and she dresses like shes a boy! She's a cute girl just wasn't taught how to dress, well I tried but GM took over! She's up half the night on fb or on her computer or Xbox and doesn't even wake up in time for school. She gets dropped of by GM everyday and the school is literally maybe 500m from their house! Shes a lazy person! Who doesn't shower after softball practice or a game? Who wear their practice uniform like it an outfit and it wasn't even washed? Who can't smell themselves when u know everyone else can? I try and tell my fiancé about her smelling bc anything she runs past or is holding one of the kids her funk is all over them! It's emabarssing! People don't know that I'm not her mom unless her GM tells them so when we go places people automatically think she's mine so I need her to get it together! I keep my kids looking decent not designer clothes but just decent I'll say presentable and then theres her..I'm just losing all around does anyone have any suggestions on how we might be able to be a family?


hatinthis31's picture

hi..first of all..i feel ur pain! i have a ss that is a total slob he is 18 now and we still have to make him shower and look presentable when we go out. i too get embarassed and i feel bad for it but he acts like hes 10 so immature i cant stand it! just recently my kids told me that while i was at work and the Dh was home with them, he locked hiself in our bedrm to b alone and away from the kids.. it was his child.. my ss.. that he was hiding from not our kids cause he never does that to them so i know that his son gets on his nerves too he just wont admitt it! im the "bad guy" and and always will b i guess. do you think your fiance is tryin to "buy her love" mine use too.. he was always tryin to top the BM though! i hate that u feel so down but just try to keep ur head up and remember YOUR kids need u..its ok that u feel the way u do..we all new to this site and in just one day it has helped me so much to know that im not alone in this! maybe a big family meeting is in might help if evryone got things out..u can tell them how u feel without being to harsh just leave that for!!! best of luck to you..i wish i had somthin to say that could help but im still tryin to figure it all out too Smile

Queenbeeof4's picture

Thank you for all your kind words:) its hard trying to love someone who for whatever reason has a wall up. But I am going to just pray on it bc I don't like having to go thru any of this.

Queenbeeof4's picture

I soo love when u respond to my blogs:) its like a breath of fresh air a relief that I'm not crazy. I can truly understand that her grandparents are her "parents" but when they only come to us about anything when they don't feel like paying or just want to get my fiancé started what am I to do? I have said from day one when I met him and we had our first bio dgtr that I could not be a part time parent. When we moved out of his parents house when my dgtr was born I told him to bring his dgtr with us do she didn't feel like she was being left but that was he and my MIL's doing. His mom doesn't have any friends so
I think she felt if my SD came with us she would be alone? I know it's crazy but she thinks if her grand daughter as her friend. I am just going to leave it to see what her father says to her and see if she will talk to him. It's like talking about your feelings in his parents house isn't allowed. No hugging kissing saying I love you to their kids. They'll do it to the grandkids but not their own kids.

oneoffour's picture

I hate to say it but she is a teenager. And she lives with her grandparents who consider themselves her saviours. Daddy moved on with his life and her g/parents are the only ones who are there for her 100%.

Teens do not think with their brains. They cannot understand consequences long term. This is something you will find out when your own kids get older. And having one teen run theough her home compared to 5 kids running through your home ... honey, running in ANYONES home making a lot of noise is bad manners. I never did this at my grandparents home and I loved them to pieces!

As for your fiance, he has allowed his parents to take over parenting his child. Whatever the reasons, it is what it is. This is probably something you can tell your fiance when he says you aren't trying enough. How can you try harder when your SD lives exclusively with his parents. And you will never be her replacement mommy. But ... you are another adult and if you get treated with civility and respctfulness and not teen-surliness then you will get along better.

Stop trying so hard. Maybe even work on being another adult who cares about her. Her grandparents are her 'real parents'.