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BM arrested again

just.his.wife's picture

Email just received from DH: personal information redacted

From: DH
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:34 AM
To: just.his.wife
Subject: They have her

SRO from (name redacted = middle school) just called. He pulled (Bm's) registration information and went outside and waited. Found (younger sd and ss) outside waiting on (BM). (BM) pulled in a few min later, he arrested her for violation of PO and confiscated the cell phone (sd) had on her showing communication between them. He will call (SRO @ high school) and have (older sd and ss) searched, bags, person and lockers they must also have a phone since they knew to meet her in the office.

Over this shit. Calling (attorney name) now.


CrazieCoconut86's picture


What a stupid person. Hooray for the SRO! Arrest that BM. She is obviously insane.

overworkedmom's picture

Holy crap, the kids were outside waiting?? What was she planning on kidnapping them? This makes me sick to my stomach!

just.his.wife's picture

In her mind it is not kidnapping. She has a CO that states this is her day. According to her the CO supercedes the PO.

I came to the determination long ago, I will never understand how she thinks. It hurts my head to try.

And yeah, makes me sick too.

just.his.wife's picture

I am betting $$ that the wait for me outside text went to the younger ones after the HS refused to allow her to sign out the older ones.

realitycheckmom's picture

That was the first thing I thought when I read the younger ones were waiting outside. How sad.

just.his.wife's picture

Yes, they violated the PO too.

DH is pissed. The emails are coming in about every other minute. One sentence each apparently as each thought hits his head he is sending it to me.

So far I have been apologized to AND told I was right. Maybe those rose colored lenses cracked.

just.his.wife's picture

I honestly do not know. Something that needs to be found out though. There was wording that said it was good so long as they effectively kept their noses clean. I guess it depends on if they are charged with breaking the PO, or if just she is.

I would hope that the prosecutors office would see it was BM manipulating teenagers and only charge her. But then again they are all old enough to know right from wrong and had it explained what the PO meant and how they could not be in contact with BM or they would get HER in trouble AGAIN. They can not plead ignorance or lack of knowledge/understanding.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

How are middle schoolers waiting outside? Wtf kinda school lets students walk out the front door unaccompanied? Especially with an officer there?

just.his.wife's picture

This is Florida. Most of our school "hallways" are actually outside. The classrooms are the only things "inside". Think square buildings, 4 classrooms per building, buildings connected to each other by a maze of covered pathways. So no door alarms. No having to walk past the office to get out. Teenagers dream.

Trust me, when I was a teenager and in HS I absolutely LOVED the set up. Want to ditch school? Wait for the bell to ring, go to the bathroom, wait again and once the bell rang again... walk right off school property. The champuses are huge. There is no physical way an SRO can be everywhere at once and only one is assigned per school. Most of the schools have fences around them, but the gates are left open during school hours.

Easy to literally just walk away.

just.his.wife's picture

Either caught him in the hall, or they were already in the office together awaiting her arrival when BM's text came in. Not sure. Was not there, I am getting 3rd hand info and at this point even it has dried up. DH is on the phone with anyone that will listen to him.

Purplemom's picture

:jawdrop: WHAT?! Wholley Batchit crazy batman!!!! Time for reform school for the kids and a padded room for the BM!

cant win for losin's picture

So wait, to make sure I am not missing something....this is all from when they broke in to your house?

just.his.wife's picture

Pretty much yes, she is just expanding her crazy since then. Since she got charged with 4 counts of contributing to the deliquency of a minor, the judge put a PO in place that she can not have contact with the kids. BM has determined the CO allowing her phone time and custodial time supercedes the PO. Since she thinks that way, it must be true!

So she went to pick up HER kids since today would be her first custodial day since her release per the CO. But due to the PO, she can't have the kids.

Today has given me a headache from hell. DH will not shut up and I can not concentrate on work.