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Poor DH more drama from his EW

just.his.wife's picture

Just got a text from DH. School Resource officer just called him.

BM just tried signing two of the kids out of school. SRO at the high school already called the middle school SRO to warn him she is likely on her way there. Bad thing is you know these kids are communicating with her, as they were in the office waiting for her to sign them out.

DH had given the school a copy of the PO the judge signed monday. So the secretary knew it wasn't allowed. So, now since BM attempted to sign them out and she spoke with them in the lobby of the school, she violated the PO. She left before the SRO made it to the office or he would have arrested her again. Now is the waiting game, will she give up, go home and get arrested there for violating the PO or will she go to the middle school attempt to sign the younger two out and get arrested there.

Taking bets now!


just.his.wife's picture

No idea. Well wait yes I have an idea. Our custody is a 2-2-3 today and tomorrow would be hers if not for the PO. Likely trying to assert her 'rights' because 'she is the MOM'

just.his.wife's picture

Logically one would think that if one school has the PO on file that the other one would as well. Then again, she has never been known for logic.

overworkedmom's picture

I am betting the middle school too... Geez what is this broads problem???

just.his.wife's picture

She isn't getting 'her way'. They are 'her kids'. Add in any other Narcessistic saying that pops into your head.

HadEnoughx5's picture

Yep we have one of those narcissistic BM's too. No respect for authority and the kids are HER PROPERTY. Doesn't care about how the kids are in the middle, it's all about her and all the drama she can bring to her life.

It's scary to see a 45 year old woman have a temper tantrum because she didn't get her way :O

overworkedmom's picture

As irritated as I get at times never getting a break from FSS (BM signed away all rights) I am so glad I don't have to deal with that woman! I get so scared sometimes that she is just going to show up and destroy everything that FDH and I have done to create a loving, stable home, I really don't know how some of you do it!

just.his.wife's picture

PO is restricting her from the kids, not from "me". It was due to the 4 charges of contributing to the delinquency aka their burglary accomplicing. Not the actual being in my house stealing the cell phones.

God knows no judge would have given it to ME just because she broke into my house and stole my stuff. But considering most of her charges involve the kids, she is PO'd from any contact with them including 3rd party.