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Incoming from the Skid Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:35 PM

Rags's picture

Incoming from the Skid Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:35 PM

(Wife and I)
Had the following text exchange with (the Skid) about 15 minutes ago (22:10 our time):

From Skid: "Hey guys, didn't see your text earlier, went out with some friends
after work for the first time in a while. Got an 86 (even after 2 months of
study) and have the highest score for our shop. I'll have to talk to my
supervisor about driving to Austin tomorrow, but there shouldn't be any
problems." This was in specific response to a text I sent to him this morning,
"How did the test go? Your uncle arrives tomorrow--here till the 19th".

To Skid: "Good news! Certainly come if U can. DEMA sends her love".

From Skid: "Love you guys too. I'll let you know when I plan to be in".

To Skid: "Roger that. B safe."

We're having severe thunderstorms with lots of thunder, lightning, and rain.
It's been going on for several hours and there's more on the way for tomorrow.
Mom and I went to see "The Raven" today, thought it was very good. Had
breakfast at IHOP, then visited the Austin Sew and Vac store up by the "Half
Price Book Store" behind the "Outback" steakhouse to buy some new thread for her
quilt machine. Mom wanted another die for the cloth pattern cutter you gave her
for Christmas that wasn't available at the Round Rock JoAnn's so we drove to the
one over off Braker Ln just up from The Domain--they had what she wanted. We
made reservations for Mother's Day Brunch at the La Frontera Marriott. Picked
up the Yukon from your brother's garage. Other than that, nothing much going on here.
Hope you have a good weekend.

Love ya, DAD

So, he did fairly well on his CPM? LMNOP? ABC? test. I am not sure how good an 86 is but if it keeps him moving forward on his USAF career, we are proud. However, he is still on our shit list for not communicating with his mom and I. That said, H has decided to give him the message that he will now have to pay for his car. Not financially, we will keep that responsibility since the car was a gift. He will pay for his car with communication. Calls, answering his phone, sending and responding to periodic e-mail, etc.......

I know, we are such evil parents to want our kid to stay in touch. }:)


Rags's picture

An e-mail once a week and one telephone or Skype conversation a month.

Not too much. We just want to touch base periodically. We have not spoken with him in more than two months. We have called and written a bunch with no response.

NCMilGal's picture


I luv ya man, but you have got to let the kid go.

He is 19, financially independent, has a steady job. It is up to him to crash and burn if that is what he is going to do. That includes his relationships.

When I was 19, I moved away from home. There was no internet, and long distance was expensive. I was making $5.75/hour. I didn't speak to my parents for six months. That didn't mean I didn't love them. I was too wrapped up in my own life. It took me a number of years to value the relationship I had with my parents.

He will come back. Or he won't. But you can't force him - he'll start to resent you.

knucklehead's picture

Every week?!?
I struggle to understand something... the basic tenent of what you have been teaching this young man is that he needs to be a MAN, be independent, etc. When he didn't want to work, you told him to join the military.

And it sounds like you bust his balls in every.single.communcation you have with him. Damn, I wouldn't want to contact you, either!

It sounds like you and DW kicked him out of the nest, told him to fly, and have a rope tied around his leg to make sure he doesn't get too far away.

I moved out at 18. I would go too long without contacting my parents, I'm ashamed to admit. They didn't chase me down or threaten me or guilt me. They just let me find my own way.
We are incredibly close now. They are very close to their grandchildren. We spend all holidays together. It's a good dynamic now.
There's no resentment.