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Dealing with two spoilt step kids and an immature bm

Jona's picture

Does anyone else have the problem of spoilt stepkids??My husband and I are pretty down to earth but also were brought up not getting everything we wanted.... These kids havnt. Everything they ask for they expect to get because of bm (being a big kid herself ) buying everything they ask for. It doesn't just stop there. She actually acts like a kid herself and is very immature so naturally gets on their level rather than getting on the parents level. This makes my job so much harder as once again I look like the evil step mum because I say N O... Kids got dropped off last night from spending weekend with her and have dumped all their new belongings as soon as they walk in... Now I have the awesome job of undoing all the bad habits she's instilled in them over the weekend. Takes about a week to get somewhere then I'll be stuck in this same position next week. It's like friggen ground hog day.


DASKRA's picture

Have the same issue. BM#1 has openly and proudly admitted that she is best friends with her daughter 12. She is proud of the fact they are on a friend level and would not change that. OK here is the problem. She needs a mother and not a friend. When you tell your Friend she is overweight she brushes it off but when a mother tries to do it and be your friend about it ... eating disorders start.

That's just the beginning of it. Kids don't need friends, they have those at school. They need parents.

Stick to your guns even if you have to undo them when they get back. It's for them, They truly need a good MOM. You are their MOM she is just a friend. Parent's are never the good guys. Not until they get older.

Jona's picture

Very very true... My step daughter is always talking about her mum and always trying to dress/act like her... So frustrating as she is only 8 years old... I constantly try to push on and keep thinking/hoping it will get better when she gets older but it's hard when all I see is "I love mum" written on paper all over the house. Grrrr god give me strength

DASKRA's picture

May GOD give us all the strength we need. He has a plan for all of us and there is a reason he choose us women to deal with these other crazy women.

I always ask... God why did you have to beat her sooo hard with the stupid stick, it was not nice of you to do that. Plus now we have to deal with her on earth but thanks for the entertainment.

We may never understand but God though Stepmothers were the strongest of women and gave them the job because no one else could handel it.