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I cant believe i did this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riamama23's picture

Last night was bingo at the VFW. FH my kids and I all went. My nerves had been on high and my anxiety has been getting the best of me at mid afternoon I had taken one of my xanax's.I'm not much of a drinker and havent had any mostly adult, time in a looooong time that i decided to indulge myself with a couple mixed drinks.That was a terrible move i felt complelty tipsy but still "ok". FH's sis was begining to annoy me by her constant nagging about my bs7 whining about losing every game(he was aggravating me too,but i guess i can overlook it a bit cause he's mine)I told her to stop bitching and in this mornings text she said she wasnt mad it was kind of funny but she didnt feel like having coffee hour with me oops well it gets better,I guess i told FH just how i feel and that maybe he might want to consider getting back with his sons mommy because the way he caters to him no one in their right mind will put up with for to long.I was tipsy and I shouldn't have done that with my children no excuses for that what so ever my kids have never even seen me with more that a small glass of wine at a wedding before I am so ashamed,and FH had done nothing but put me down and degrade my parentingfor this episode last night I am complelty mortified and dont even want to "talk about it" when he comes home in a bit.I fell as if I gave up everything besides my children when i mmoved here I have no friends,a part time job(where everone already has their niches, no family. I am a very social person and here all I have is my phone and children are young but they have sports classes and school neighbor kids. I am so dpressed and i am really thinking all iI want is to move back!!!! I told him how I felt and I was "intoxicated" loldamn one more thing to add to my list I made a fool of myself and that just had to be the one time i actually tell him how I feel lmao


teristepmom's picture

Oh Ria...been there! Just a little too much alcohol and next thing I know I am telling FH how I REALLY feel. Ugh! Good luck talking when he gets home. Any chance that maybe getting it "out there" will be a good thing and clear the air? I'd like to tell you that is what happened with me - it definitely did NOT go well for me - but is it possible for you?

FeuilleMorte's picture

Yeah, I have to echo teri's advice -- it happened, you regret it, but perhaps it's possible to wring some good out of it by building on it. Yes, DH, I was tipsy and expressed myself poorly, but it was because of these serious underlying issues that we need to talk about calmly now...

That has worked for me in the past. I'm bad about holding things in way too long and then blowing up, so I'm familiar with that sick "omg did I really say that?" feeling Smile -- fortunately it has helped us get some difficult issues out onto the table.

Riamama23's picture

I am so greatful to of found this blog! Thanks for all the advice! I just called fh to see if he was on his way home(he drives truck) and in his usual sweet and friendly voice said yeah and I love you babe." I really wish we could talk but it always turns into an over dramatic yell fest where my words always get turned around and I cry lol the only reason I didn't last night is beacause I was oblivious to his comebacks Dirol I am really going to consider talking to him about us going to counseling I know it comes to a surprise to him when I "go off" because I seem "happy".Either that or my kids may have to cut back on weekend sports so we can drive back to our hometown and visit.

Riamama23's picture

I am so greatful to of found this blog! Thanks for all the advice! I just called fh to see if he was on his way home(he drives truck) and in his usual sweet and friendly voice said yeah and I love you babe." I really wish we could talk but it always turns into an over dramatic yell fest where my words always get turned around and I cry lol the only reason I didn't last night is beacause I was oblivious to his comebacks Dirol I am really going to consider talking to him about us going to counseling I know it comes to a surprise to him when I "go off" because I seem "happy".Either that or my kids may have to cut back on weekend sports so we can drive back to our hometown and visit.

Anon2009's picture

Maybe he has the exact same feelings about your parenting and kids that you do about him and his. Maybe he can overlook his son's behaviors that you find irritable because he's his, just like you can overlook behaviors in your son that might irritate him. Men just aren't as vocal as we are sometimes.

I think you definitely should talk with him about this calmly, and state that you disagree with how he handles things. Ask him about how he feels about your parenting of bs. He might disagree with how you handle things. By talking about this calmly with him, a lot of issues will be addressed and start to be resolved and you two can get on the same page parenting-wise.

Riamama23's picture

Oh, I am sure he has but he believes that I should be spanking my children instead of my lecturing and groundings that "stay ". I believe spankings are reserved for extreme stupidities and not forgetting to put the toilet seat down and crumbs on the kitchen tile. This is the hardest thing I Have ever been through part of me just wants to move! Thank God I am not married and still have a cheaper option lol.

StarStuff's picture

Xanax + alcohol = bad combo. I've stopped hanging out with people while they're taking bzp and drinking b/c of the weird verbal shit they spew. It happens though! Just don't mix alcohol with your Rx in the future!