Do you ever wonder if BM has a point?
Ok, your thinking WTF?? - BM is nuts right? Why would anything she say make sence?
Well part of the reason for divorce was that SO was rubbish with money. He had a large tax bill to pay, and he claims that she reffused to get a job so she also ran up £1000 on her bank overdraft.
When SO left the house, he cancelled his tax payment as he couldnt afford rent / child maintanance etc AND to pay it off. He still has a fair amount to pay and we are meant to be saving up to move in together, but his debts might hold us up as I dont earn enough to be garantor to be able to put the rent etc in my name.
He always maintains that they were in trouble because she wouldnt go back to her £25grand a year job after the babies were born.
I thought ok, that sounds fair, he didnt then earn enough to support a wife and 2 kids so they got into debt.
I opened a savings account in my name, for him to put money away to pay off the tax / for when we move now that he is earning a good amount. - I did this so that she couldnt get any more money from him in the divorce as she was trying to get him to pay for her overdraft aswell as the tax bill.
He had managed to save up £2000 by the begining of this year. I got a statement through and it is now down to £114 (thats if hes not spent anymore). I am worried now because he seems to spend money he doesnt have and cannot manage money he does have. He has put on hold paying back the tax, we are meant to be looking to move before the end of this year but cant do it until his debts are clear.
Should I live with him AT ALL if financially we wont cope because of his spending? -horrible thought, I dont want to leave him.
The next thing is that BM always chops and changes days / times with kids etc.
For example, SO told her that he had taken 2 days off over the easter hols to spend with the kids. He wanted her to confirm times he could have them in those days.
~She told him she had no phone and didnt get his message.
She then text him 10 - 2:30 one day (yesterday)
10 - 7:30 the next (today)
He also had them tue eve as normal. (5:30 - 7:30)
On tues he was telling me that he was going to take the kids back to BM for 12 so that he could then take MY daughter to the cinema!! ???
I told him that he should stick to the agreed times and take BD (who didnt even know about the cinema trip) to the later showing.
He then takes the kids home and she tells him he cant have them AT ALL on weds because he didnt text her to confirm the times!!
- which conveniently left his day free to spend with me (Im a dog walker so he came to the park)
He has the kids today all day, but he told me this morning that he as going to take them home early because he didnt want to keep them out all day and doesnt have the car (its mine and im using it for work - in a minute ) and the bus goes right past their house, but doesnt go past his house. - Also conveniently leaves him more time to spend at my house!!!
Now I think with messing the kids time around, they are as bad as each other BM & SO. BUT I am wondering, was she driven to being this way because of him??
Shes NUTS - dont get me wrong, I am not deffending her. But If I am having concerns BEFORE we even move in together, what must BM be thinking after living with his lazyness for 9 YEARS????
I have a horrible feeling that the advice given would be ... dont move in with him. But i'm not sure I want to leave him either. Plus I cant move into my own place on my own on my salary... My daughter and I are living with my parents
- GizmoBarnOwl's blog
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Truth, Mazzy!
Truth, Mazzy!
You could also tell him the
You could also tell him the only way you will move in together is if you see a huge change in how he handles his finances. I would try to see if he is willing to sign up for some financial advising or something along those lines. I know the community college by me has classes to teach you how to manage your finances better. They cost money, but if he actually learned something, it may be worth the investment.
Also, if you move in together do what Mazzy said and keep your finances seperate. My DH and I have to do that because of the amount of student loan debt I brought into the relationship.
My fdh is rubbish with money
My fdh is rubbish with money too. He will buy himself presents (e.g football ticket) before he even has money to pay towards bills etc. He relies on me big time, though he always has to pay me back!
Is there a way you can increase your earnings? The only reason fdh and I can live together is because I earn enough for us both to live on. You need to be able to stand on your own two feet for you two to be able to live together.
Not living together doesn't
Not living together doesn't mean you have to end your relationship.
Yes, you are so right! I
Yes, you are so right! I wish we had a like button!!
People can love one another and not live together, and not combine their finances.
Just make sure you keep your
Just make sure you keep your finances separate and that you can make it on your own if you decide to throw him out one day. Basically try and hold him accountable but be prepared to handle all money on your own.
"Do you ever wonder if BM has
"Do you ever wonder if BM has a point?"
Of course, I think we all do! In fact, because of my own experiences being the BM and the ex, before meeting my SO and having a potential SD, I always assume there is an interesting side to the BM who appears to be crazy..... I realize that is part of my baggage and my pain, so I generally don't say anything on here to that effect.
We have to realize as we date people, that all divorces happen for a reason.... sometimes, one person is clearly at fault- ie if they cheated instead of working on the relationship, but even cheating is a sign of a deeper problem. Until a person recognizes what they contributed to the demise of the first marriage, and changes that pattern of behavior, they will have similar issues in a second marriage.
example: I have a dear friend who has been divorced twice. By everything I know, and I know a lot because I've been a close friend, he was a good husband, considerate, managed money well, etc.... on the surface, it looks like the exes were just mentally unstable and crazy ( there are libraries of horror stories and one is diagnosed as bipolar). However, even he contributed to the demise of the marriage, because he chose someone who was mentally unstable and did not share his morals. And until he addresses whatever it is inside of him that causes him to choose these women, he will likely continue to have failed relationships...
It's good that you didn't rush into this, and you're carefully considering moving in before you do it. You're aware, and you don't have to leave him or end the relationships. You can love him, while maintaining appropriate financial boundaries- that will protect you, but it will also protect and preserve your relationship.
Sending wishes for lots of wisdom your way!
I feel that you're eager to
I feel that you're eager to get out of your parents house. But I'd suggest staying put and saving on your own until this has been sorted out. Guys tend to do more before women move in or marriage. See how he responds to suggestions of money management classes and a budget.
This is a huge issue that kills love. Try to get it solved now.
It can be done. However,
It can be done. However, because he's so bad with money, he agreed to let me handle the household finances. We've never been in financial trouble, and we live within our means.
LOL. That's DH and I also.
I hear you on the financial
I hear you on the financial stuff. Ahole told me that the reason his house was in foreclosure was because he let his ex live there and she skipped without paying it...also the HOA. He also told me after months of living together that the reason he had all these debts were because BM took stuff out in his name without him knowing after they separated and never paid it. He also told me the debts he did know about, he sent BM the money while she lived in his house and she never paid it. What did I do? I of course helped him NOT lose his house, i of course paid the 3 months he was behind, paid the HOA dues...then went on to help him fix his credit.
Fast forward 12yrs and we have had so many arguments about his absolutely pathetic financial planning, paying bills on time,'s not even funny. It makes me even more angry because although he won't admit it to me, I feel that at the beginning he lied to me about all those issues and I still feel that to save face, he is still lying about it. Of course he doesn't want to tell me 12yrs later that he lied about what his ex did and that indeed it was HIM that had not paid the house, the bills, etc...I will NEVER believe that it wasn't 100% or at least 50% his problem. I feel completely used and always do and feel stuck after so many years. I feel I can never trust him. Just even as recently as last month I argued with him about how he's not doing what he promised with the bills and that "if I don't take care of them", he always has an excuse as to why he didn't pay them, etc...and I just don't buy it.
On the other hand, his kid is a complete loser. Yes, she lives with BM who is a sl$%^%^t and a drop out and the kid is just like her, but after many times of ME being the one to enforce any kind of discipline in our home and after going to my Yoga class yesterday and seeing that he could not even keep our son quiet for 20-30 minutes, because he was focused on watching some men make fools of themselves dancing, I wonder if he was such a crappy father too. Yes, that's right. I am with my son 24/7 and no matter WHAT my son does, he hardly ever disciplines him. I am the one who has taught my son manners and everything else...he just sits by and smiles...And you know, I think "you blame your pathetic ex, but really, if the kid was with you, she'd still be a loser because you would never discipline her anyway".
So, I have to say that although we have had our ups and downs and we no longer deal with the ex, skid, time has passed, I have become more resentful just in other ways. Before it was because of the skid/ex and him doing anything for them and now it's because I see that although he might not have had 100% saying in all that went on, he is still a crappy dad and provider. And that does NOT make me too happy. I think, "wow, if you are 40 and don't have your sh$%^%t straight, what kind of ahole were you at 25!?!" when you divorced crazy witch.
Hmm a mixed bag here. (sorry
Hmm a mixed bag here. (sorry for long response)
The situation from my side is that I run my own business and have enough "business capital" in my account to pay for a deposit on a rented house and a bit left over to contribute to groceries and such in the first few months until I can find a job. But then that is my life savings gone and I have to close my business to be able to spend it as it is currently tied into my business for expenses.
The plan is that I give up my business when we move, as we want to move 30miles away from my current location, to be closer to his children - plus the fact that it is in the countryside and the schools / lifestyle are better there for my own daughter who has a mild disability.
We will be reliant on his wage to pay bills etc until I can contribute my earnings. He currently pays over what he is meant to to BM by around £100 a month. That will have to stop and he knows this.
Ive told him I think he is terrible with money, but he wont have it that he is. I am in TOTAL agreement that my money will be kept separate from his, however his ex kept her money separate too and still ended up in debt saying she used her overdraft to buy food they couldnt afford on his wage (while still refusing to get a job - even when the kids where in school!)
Its the fact that I will be making myself jobless AND spending my lifesavings to move in the first place that scares me. My only security will be the wages of a man whos crap with money!!!
BUT if it all went pear shaped, the deposit on the place will be soley mine and I will have a nice lil place for myself and my daughter in a nice part of the world which I couldnt get on my own. IF I had to, I could get some financial aid with the costs of rent, bills etc if I end up in a situation where it didnt work out between us and I stayed in the house. But obviously that is a last resort. Getting government handouts is not on my list of things to do.
I dont want to live separately. I am 30 now, and want a family life, not to live with my parents. Living apart but together is not an option for me because I also dont want any more children after the age of 35 but we both want at least one child together and time is moving fast.
I love this man, for the person he is and the way he makes me feel. But unfortunatly money matters and it is a big deal, so if he is rubbish with it, we could be ruined anyway plus the fact that im not too sure about his parenting - but that doesnt bother me as much because I had been a single parent for 6 years before I met him so I think I can handle any kids we might have.
Oh and as predicted... he just called me to say that he was dropping the kids to BM at 5 so he could come out to see me (so much for getting them until 7:30)
Yet he was moaning like hell on Tuesday that she wouldnt let him have them weds, and then when he gets them, he doesnt want them!!! Arrrrrggggghhhhh
Whats IMHO? You are right, I
Whats IMHO?
You are right, I have thought to myself about how we could afford a baby, but then I am thinking that I will be in a job and we will be financially better off when that happens, and also that I will have a job to go back to after the baby is born. OR I could restart my business as I did when my daughter was little.
Other people manage on tight budgets after all, and his wages are not too bad, he does pay general bills on time, but then still owes money for this tax bill which is always looming over us as it has probably effected his credit rating (he was meant to find that out, told me he did, but never told me the result and was cagey about when it would get it sent to him - which leads me to think that he didnt).
My best friend also said that it seems as though I am making all the sacrifices. I am not really sure what to say about that. It is the plain truth. He stands to loose nothing and gain everything.
However, I am seeing it as I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and if you never take risks then how do you know if it is going to work?
I could leave him, and meet somebody who is financially more able to provide for me and my daughter, and who doesnt have an ex wife in the background causing all the issues that she does. But could I love him as much? Could I feel as happy with him? Could I look at another man and ever feel the way I feel when I look at SO? I dont think I ever could, I certainly never have before. Even with my daughters father I didnt feel this way. It sounds dramatic, but i'd rather live my life alone than meet anybody else. I simpley dont want to be without him.
But I am not so naieve to think that it will all be fine just because I love him. We have some real issues which need to be addressed.
I want to say too that I really value the opinions and experiences of the people on here. Thank you