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CS is not enough, but if we don't send it, you scream lol

herewegoagain's picture

OK, so I have never understood this crazy witch. Of course, as many others, she has always complained that "it's not enough", it's crap, blah, blah, blah...So, why is it that if we don't send it you freak? I mean, really, if it's so little that it's crap and it's not enough to support your dumb loser kid, then you shouldn't miss it if it's not sent...idiot. Just goes to show what a liar she is and most.

Anyway, we have always sent it and then it was garnished...but I will never understand this stupid logic! Oh, wait, there is no :sick:


Disneyfan's picture

As much as I hate BM, I don't blame her one bit for freaking out when the CS is late.

It's never DF's fault that it's late. The CS is paid before he gets one penny.

What the courts ordered him to pay is crap~$90 a week for 2 kids.

Of course if she would get off her ass and get a job and not include CS in her budget, she wouldn't be in trouble when it's late.

Newstep's picture

Our BM lives off her CS she actually says that money is for her and her bills. So in her mind anything SD needs has to be paid for by SO. She is crazy!!!!

She will call or have SD call and ask for money for any little thing when she is at her BM's