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Really SS?

Willow2010's picture

UGH…SOOOO pissed.

SS came back for a visit around Christmas. Small vacation from the military. He is 18 years old. Our rules are VERY clear. NO GIRLS in the house.

Well…I just found out that while he was here, he brought in some young girl and took her virginity on the freaking futon in the office!!! While we were asleep!!! Argggg. Source is a very good one and she knew things about my house that she should not, and she could have only got it from the girl in question.

I promised I would not say anything to my DH about this. (other reasons, but he would not believe it anyway!) So I can’t say anything. BUT I WANNA SPIT!! Nasty little creepball.

Anywho…. I promised that I would not say anything to DH, but I WILL say something to SS the next time he is here for a visit. How does this sound. ?

"SS, if I find out you sneak ANYONE into MY house AGAIN, you will not know what hit you when I am done!" And then I will just walk away and see what happens. Ugh. Any ideas?


CrazieCoconut86's picture

Say something to SS.

And that is just gross. If you want to have a good time, go to a hotel. You are in the military, and should have some extra cash.

Willow2010's picture

No parents know about this. Only me and a few teenagers. I promised I would say nothing to the parents of anyone. But, I will say something to SS.

Jshep's picture

I'd make him sleep on said futon when he comes over. Tell him that's his bed now, but don't say it in front of your DH! If SS asks why, tell him that you know EVERYTHING that goes on in this house, and you know what happened on this futon, and if you ever find out it happens again, then there will be no more over night visits from him, ever. And HE can tell your DH why. Make him think you have eyes and ears everywhere! That always scared me from doing things when I was at home. My mom always found idea how, but she did. lol

Willow2010's picture

I already make him sleep on it!! lol. and it did have sheets on it when it happened. Thank goodness!! When this happened, SS was 18 and girl was 17. So yes, she was of age. But not to brite if you ask me. She had sex wth SS so she must be dumb. Oh and SS broke up with her the day after he had sex with her. Nice going.

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Is it possible that the girl in question is exaggerating? You need to talk to SS. If he's 18 and she's not, and she's saying that they had sex and they did not, she could make things very difficult for him (statutory rape allegations). I know it's a disgusting thing to have to talk about with your stepson, but if he didn't do it and she's saying he did (she may have been in the house, they may have messed around but not had sex) that could cause serious issues for his military career. And if he did do it, he needs to know that she's going around talking about it before he gets a surprise visit from the cops.

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Oh, just saw your reply. Are you sure that the age of consent isn't 18? In some states it is.

Willow2010's picture

I have not talked to THE girl. This info actually was not supposed to land in my lap, but it did. LOL..can't really give to much info because it is actuall pretty funny.

The girl actually turned 18 in December, so she was only a few weeks from, if not days from being 18. As much as SS makes me mad and disgusted, I would fight right along with SS if he was hit with something that stupid.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

I think you need to tell dh. Tell him how you know. Tell him what you know. Not only did ss disregard your very clear house rules, but he used that girl. Your dh should have something to say to him about that.

LilyBelle's picture

I agree. DH will be really pissed if it comes out later and he knows you knew and didn't tell him.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I hope you at least make him pay for the replacement of the futon mattress. GROSS! That is beyond gross. The thought of my boys deflowering girls all over my furniture makes me want to febreeze the shit out of the entire house. And Lysol. Pre emptively.