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capt_lou's picture

Everyone knows that my SO's kids now live with their POS father. I am not going to go into why they live there now, you all can read my past blogs.

Well POS BF at least once a week will text harass my SO. The last one went on some rant on how she is probably sucking and Fing me every night while her kids are miserable at his house. I was pretty livid, but I am trying my best to just listen and not blow up. The next day he texted her and apologized. Whatever idiot.

Well yesterday he starts again with how she will have to pay him child support. OK her or me have no issue with this. Then he goes off on how he is going to take me to court on how I treated his kids.

Go ahead idiot! I will make you and your kids look really dumb. For all the things I did for them and bought for them and to just to spit in my face after. Screw you all.


sonja's picture

LOL! I had a harder time figuring out who was who. I'm used to the poster being the SM, when its the SDad, I get confused!

Unfreakingreal's picture

HAHAHAHA! Is Baby Daddy getting a whiff of the big pieces of shit that are HIS kids?!?!?!?! GOOD FOR YOU LOU!!!! And not for nothing when he sends those texts wifey should reply, "Oops sorry, I was pulling up my panties when this text came in. You were saying?" Smile