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manning up w/some honesty

starfish's picture

i read alot of your blogs, sd horror stories especially. i can't f'n stand my sd15. she has stolen from me (sevral other family members and from 'friends' homes ~ may explain why she doesn't have any friends), was caught red handed and still swore on the bible to her god fearing grandma (bm's mom) she didn't do it, lies like a rug, TRYS to manipulate things to her advantage CONSTANTLY, she doesn't want to do anything UNLESS there is something monetary in it for her, she can't flush the toilet, leaves the bathroom sink and counter nasty as fuck (aren't you supposed to rinse out the toothepaste residue? ~ i don't even know what the other gooey snot looking shit is) and the rest of the typical: dddaadddyyyy, dddaaadddyyy, look at me, look at me, look at me shit.

but i have to say she's not as bad as how some of you have it. she doesn't get in my face and scream, she doesn't leave nasty ass panties around, she doesn't go in my bedroom or bathroom, she doesn't climb all over dh (unless mil is there insisting she sit in dadddyy's lap). i have done my best to make it here so boring, that she spends most of her time with mil (who i truly believe is the root of the evil behind my relationship w/sd ~ but that's a whole different twisted springer blog).

but when she is here, which is usually only eosunday and eow night ~ don't think i have it good, ss comes EVERY co'd visit and any other chance he can get. but i don't f'n get why, dh drives about 60-75 miles round trip special to get her, so she can come to my home shower (and use hideous smelling bath soap/gel/idk), eats dinner, goes to bed only so dh can take her home at 5 am and sleep in his truck for 2 hours waiting for his partner ~ how fucking dangerous is that?? but it beats driving all the way home to sit for 10 minutes and drive all the way back to where he just came from for work. and then this happens again on wed (or tues or tues & wed, depending on what the selfish little brat decides what she wants to do).

guess, i was just venting, i kinda forgot where i was going with this blog after i started thinking about how fucking much she pisses me off.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Yikes. I second Flabbergasted.

It will only get worse if someone doesn't get her under control.

Auteur's picture

Keep making it as boring as hell. Hopefully she'll find other interests (boys. . .or in VD's case boys AND girls) and will stop coming!!

starfish's picture

oh yeah, worse ~ that's not where i was going, but it is a lingering question that has been weighing heavy on my brain after a talk with my mom and reading the god awful skad stories.

for the most part, i guess sd15 is not a bad kid or just hasn't got caught. no trouble with school (she's no winner , but...), no bf (EVER~ which i find WEIRD as shit!!), no smoking/drinking or any real difficult behavior except wiht bm on occasion but bm.

not that the stealing & lies aren't bad.

but is it safe to assume there is a very good chance she's going to snap and become this bat shit crazy brat that nobody can control so she has to come live with ddddaaaadddyyy?

imjustthemaid's picture

I make it boring as hell so SD15 will make plans and go out with her friends or go to BM's. Then when she leaves we all crawl out of our hidey holes and go to the mall or out to lunch. I know so mean but she is mean so she gets what she deserves!!

Years ago I realized I was totally screwing myself when BM called and asked SD to come over and SD said no because we were doing something fun. A light bulb went off in my head and I realized don't make it fun or she will never leave the house. Now she absolutely hates being home with us on the weekends because she thinks we sit in the house all day. Every weekend she makes plans to be gone all weekend. Its so nice!!

Auteur's picture

Yeah I realized I was doing myself NO favours when I would plan to have "FUN" things for the skids when they came over (per order of GG!!) As my dad used to say about kid behaviour: "Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile" IOW KIds are NEVER happy when you go out of your way to please them.

So I started getting REEEALLL boring. I even told Prince Hygiene (out of earshot of GG of course) that he should come back because we have much more chores for him to do. My bluff didn't work that time. He did call GG to come pick him up from the trailer park birthday party that he was attending. But I kept at it and made it totally boring as I possibly could without GG intervening and playing disney dad. I also would do activities that GG would like and force him to notice that his "angels" could not self entertain. I'd have a nice wine tasting or something set up. Then the constant "DADDDDEEEEEEEEE DADDDDDDDD DADDDDDD DADDEEEEEE" would grate on him.

starfish's picture

no kidding, on friday sd will ask what we're doing before she decides if she's coming here or going to mil's for the w/e. to me, that is BS. make matters worse, she'll call saturday to see what we're doing (in case things have changed) to decide if she wants to come or not.

this is probably my own fault, when she first started playing this game, after we said we're doing nothing, we (dh, ss & i) went to the beach and salt water fishing for the w/e. she was pissed. i'm trying to set that up again, but dh has turned into such a pussy, i think he's afraid he'll get in trouble from mil, sil or sd. fuck what we (him, ss & i) would enjoy.

imjustthemaid's picture

SD15 does this. When we lived closer to BM she would be on the phone with BM and say to her hold on and then ask me what are we doing tomorrow. If I mentioned something she liked, she would tell BM she had plans. If I said we aren't doing anything then she goes with BM. She used to do it over dinner also. BM would ask if she wanted to come for dinner but she had to know what I was making first then decide which was better!!

Now I tell SD that we are going to work with DH (we own the company) and its very busy and we will be there all day so she just automatically makes plans to spend the weekend at BM's mothers house because she has friends that live across the street.

Good riddance!!