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babyallen's picture

BM asked if we would change the court order time for her to call, she has had the chance to call for a week and has yet to do so. We said it was a court order and no we wouldn't it was the best time for us. She then says it me texting cuz Fdh never gave a time in court, I had the kids so I wasn't there. He then says he told the judge before bedtime was best, yes he came up with the time. Again it's me texting, she remembers the court proceeding accurately, she has been calling about the holiday schulde cuz she can't remembe what was granted. Now her complant she is taking to the judge is we don't fell the connection between the children and their mother is important, this was sent durring the two hour time frame she has to call. We think it's good for her to hear from them but they changed her work schulde to 4pm-12am and won't work with her to give her a break durring 6pm-8pm. She texted him @ 6:15pm last and stopped when he didn't respond @ 6:19pm she had time to grip he's being unreasonable but not call the kids. I feel bad the kids are gonna be in the middle of her tyrant this weekend. Wondering if they will answer when he calls for his 10 minutes on Saturday and what do we do if they don't? She must work 7 days a week with no break and her phone is off when she is on the clock, I'm actually wondering if she will make a motion since we are unreasonable and not bending the rule. God made a center of the universe and it isn't her anymore and it's bugging her I think


Amazedstepmom's picture

I am going to play devils advocate here, not an attack but just food for thought. I don't know the backstory. However, reverse the situation, BM has custody, DH has co time to call and his work sched changes and now doesn't allow that time. Wouldn't he want her to change things for him to be able to talk to his kids. I have an ex who eats, and breathes our co. However ours is not complete and doesn't address a large number of things so it makes it hard to do that. He won't bend for anything, even if it benefits our children. I disagree with that thinking. I don't believe a piece of paper should supersede the kids best interest.
This is my opinion.
I know a lot of people on this board take offense if anyone posts an alternate opinion. I mean no disrespect or to come across as an attack, just wante to share my opinion.

babyallen's picture

I don't take it as an attack, if it were good for the kids then we would bend fact is in a week she can find time durring her 2 hour time from to text and grip but she can't find any time in a week to call them. She also has yet to ask how they are or even ask what's best for them, it's what's best for us, she also complaining cuz we are following our therapist orders and not her demand, she wants to run our house. Also in her tyrant threw text she is black mailing my son's birthday will @ some point fall on her time and she won't change the schulde, she is always supervised by her mother and I don't have a problem changing a birthday party day to include them. She couldn't do supervised with the court order superviser for some reason missed 5 visit, 2 in a row and they cancelled. This is as good as its gonna get for her is what our GAL said.

babyallen's picture

She has no more control over him so she must cause trouble any way she can, she gets 10 minutes in a two hour time frame, she always pulls this type of stuff, it none of our business what meds she gives ss on her visits either it her time not ours. We were told @ that point till there was co to not let her alone with the child by CPS, I'm a mandatory reporter so I had to call it in when he said he never got his inhaler which she admitted to doing to CPS. We think she is trying to split us up again and we have been talking about how to deal with her, it consist of I never talk to her, we were friends before she slept with my x I have very little nice to say to her

Kilgore SMom's picture

If the court sv cancelled then you don't have to do sv at all. That would be her fault. Or at least that is our case. One of the reason for sv is for the parent to be monitored on what they say. Or that is in DH case. So I'm suprised that Bm has phone time. BM mother used to do the sv but quit because our Bm is so aggressive to her mother. The GM didn't want the SS seeing BM cussing and have a screaming fit so she stopped. I would just wait it out and let her take you back to court. Wonder where they can find the money to keep doing that over a phone call. Not sure what your co sayes. But it Bm already has sv. I'd go by the co only. Till she changes it. If it was not at this stage and your co was EWO I'd say be flexable. But it sounds like your way past that.