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Moving - a little OT - and mostly venting

CrazieCoconut86's picture

My DH and I will be moving in a month or so. We are excited on one side, as we will be going to an updated apartment complex with all the nice ammenities we don't have now (a dish washer, AC, and a washer/dryer in apt.) The apartment is also huge compared to where we are now.

There are two down sides to this. 1) We are moving DH's grandmother in with us. The woman is in her eighties and has decided that she has lived too long and wishes she is dead. She can bring your mood down quick. DH argues with her all the time, tells her she is in great health and we just want to help her do some things like cooking and cleaning. Just thinking about how often they argue makes me anxious. I never understand a thing they say, as it is in a different language.

2) BM of SS will be taking us to court as soon as we give her the new address. She will want more money for CS. We are moving to a place that is way our of our price range, but grandma is chipping in with the bills as she wants the help. BM is always after something. Usually just to screw DH out of time, but now she will see an opportunity to get some cash, which there isn't any.

DH has been taking grandma to doctors appts, and will be taking off for the move. He has so very little time to take off to begin with and now he will have to use his days for court. It is just super frustrating. I won't get a vacation with my DH this year, because he had to use HIS time to take care of everyone else. I know one of his days he is using to take me the doctors to have a test done. I have to be put out for it. Not really a vacation since he will have to take care of me, and I will be drugged for the better part of a day.

Anyway, I just needed to get it off my chest.


Ex4life's picture

BM may try to take you to court but she can't get more CS if there is no more money. All you have to do is prove that his income hasn't changed. Hang in there and congrats on the move.